Did you actually see "An Inconvenient Truth" or not?

Did you see the film "An Inconvenient Truth"?

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I believe in Global warming...already convinced, so I did not see it for two reasons.

1) not a fan of Al Gore, don't want to give him my dollars

2) I am sure it would depress me.

I DID skip the Christmas lights, in honor of Rigs, and due to the fact that I am lazy.

We try very hard to conserve energy in other ways too.

I was amazed when I saw the recent figures on cattle conribution to global warming.
Possible that giving up meat would be major for the planet. I am working on that...I just love it, need it so much.

The deforestation of the earth plays a big role too I think.

Good for you, sweetie !

Here's a list of the ten things to do to help.
Good for you, sweetie !

Here's a list of the ten things to do to help.
Well. I'm 0 for 10.
I give myself an A- on those 10, I do all but the flourescent lights. They trip up my brain waves. NO FLOURESCENT lights ever, for me., anywhere.
Catherine, if I remember correctly Gore gets nothing financially from the movie, the money is donated to his cause.

well, that's good cause he and Michael Moore, both, are full of it and need to jog a little. If Al Gore lost twenty pounds he would get better gas mileage.

What was that thing? If Paris Hilton drove a Hummer for a year, it equals the same gas as Michael Moore in a hybrid. One reason Americans use so much fuel is because every year they weigh more. Add up all those people in all those cars.....

We latch on to these ideas the media dishes up and ignore other, obvious causes of things. I'm all for an alternative, but in the meantime, everybody could lose five pounds and take the scuba tank out of your car.

If Michael Moore and Al Gore can't manage their own environments, they lose credibilty with me. Bush may not be what you all like, but he manages his body and his ranch is an environmental model. Everything is recycled..the grey water, etc. At least that is a starting point. And he doesn't even talk about it. Gore runs around in...well lets just say he doesn't walk the walk.
Hollywood hypocrits, I've known my share. My old neighborhood, Montecito is crawling with them.
Looks like the bio engineers need to work on developing and cloning fartless cows!

Yes, of course, Mr. Cool.
Yep...They better pick up their work. They are still passing gas I see.
It's a simple question. There's another thread on global warming and this isn't meant to supplant that. I'm just curious who's actually seen it....and who's just talking about it.

It's a public poll as I'd like to see names against what is being said! :eyebrow:

If you want to comment on the film feel free, although that isn't the main intent of this thread.

Not seen it.

No intention of seeing it even if the big bag of wind AlGore was not its chief shaman.

I am all for global warming ,regardless of the cause. My only complaint about it is "what will I do with the dead trees in my garage and cellar that I planned on burning this winter to stay warm? And what about the fossil fuels I payed for that I might not need?"

Three cheers for global warming !!! Ban cow flatulence and cow chip burning in developing nations.
Since the number one contributor to CO2 is human exhalation, we can not very well demand a cut in this.
That is sarcasm or some such? It simply is not true.
Here ya go.....

Of course - that doesn't take into account trade deficits - goods consumed in a country but produced somewhere else causing the production emissions to be "exported".

Nope, that gives the estimated amounts and defines the units, it doesn't begin to describe how those amounts were measured.

Speaking of "exported" emissions, what do you think happens when a country like the U.S. tightens up it's environmental regs? Manufacturers just relocate to other countries like Mexico with less strict regulations. End result is more total emissions.

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