Did you actually see "An Inconvenient Truth" or not?

Did you see the film "An Inconvenient Truth"?

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FWIW Gore has denied ever owning any stock in Occidental or benefiting from it (his father did so there were some family ties), and the zinc mine was closed anyway in 2003.
Uhh, yea, right. It must have been a mistake in the county offices that it took a while to catch it before Jr. realized his dad had transferred the Occidental purchased land to his son instead of his wife so Jr. eventually corrected that, and probably returned all those royalty payments to his mom also. You are technically correct that Gore doesn’t actually own any Occidental stock, but he is the sole executor of the trust holding the stock of which he is the prime beneficiary – close enough for me. I’m glad to hear the so-called zinc mine that never made a profit but spun off at least $660,000 in royalties to the family trust is finally closed – now that Gore no longer holds a government position. It still looks pretty bad when most politicians create independent blind trusts for their assets while in office, and don’t consider their mother a blind trust.
Uhh, yea, right. It must have been a mistake in the county offices that it took a while to catch it before Jr. realized his dad had transferred the Occidental purchased land to his son instead of his wife so Jr. eventually corrected that, and probably returned all those royalty payments to his mom also. You are technically correct that Gore doesn’t actually own any Occidental stock, but he is the sole executor of the trust holding the stock of which he is the prime beneficiary – close enough for me. I’m glad to hear the so-called zinc mine that never made a profit but spun off at least $660,000 in royalties to the family trust is finally closed – now that Gore no longer holds a government position. It still looks pretty bad when most politicians create independent blind trusts for their assets while in office, and don’t consider their mother a blind trust.

Along the same lines, I love this quote from Richard Norman Perle "If I am sure of anything, I am sure of this: Vice President Cheney had nothing to do with the award of any contract to Halliburton."
BUT...many things right here at home can be done to improve, starting with "BUY AMERICAN", "BUY LOCAL", products won't need to be shipped in from overseas if no one buys them here.....
AND, we cannot continue to be a nation of consumers, we need to return to our production mode....

I'm curious, did you go to Walmart after making this statement with the other 80% that claim to believe this?
well, that's good cause he and Michael Moore, both, are full of it and need to jog a little. If Al Gore lost twenty pounds he would get better gas mileage.

What was that thing? If Paris Hilton drove a Hummer for a year, it equals the same gas as Michael Moore in a hybrid. One reason Americans use so much fuel is because every year they weigh more. Add up all those people in all those cars.....

We latch on to these ideas the media dishes up and ignore other, obvious causes of things. I'm all for an alternative, but in the meantime, everybody could lose five pounds and take the scuba tank out of your car.

If Michael Moore and Al Gore can't manage their own environments, they lose credibilty with me. Bush may not be what you all like, but he manages his body and his ranch is an environmental model. Everything is recycled..the grey water, etc. At least that is a starting point. And he doesn't even talk about it. Gore runs around in...well lets just say he doesn't walk the walk.
Hollywood hypocrits, I've known my share. My old neighborhood, Montecito is crawling with them.

Yeah, you got all the facts straight there. No media lies or misconceptions in your statements.

As for a diet making the biggest impact that everyone overlooks, its the meat consumption. Vegetarian diets have a much smaller impact on the environment. Just eating less meat has significant health and environmental benefits.
:hippy: I didn't see it, I'll wait til somebody lends it to me
Haven't seen it.

Its in my netflix queue.

I still need to watch pirates of the carribean first though...
first or second one? :D
Along the same lines, I love this quote from Richard Norman Perle "If I am sure of anything, I am sure of this: Vice President Cheney had nothing to do with the award of any contract to Halliburton."
Since the contract was awarded under the same LOGCAP program Gore bragged about creating under his re-inventing government plan, and an extension of the contract awarded to Halliburton/KBR in 1997 and renewed in 1999 – despite them not being the low bidder in 97, why would Cheney need any involvement other than to see that all potential needs were included? Maybe Gore just loved Cheney so much that he wanted to give him those contracts while he was at Halliburton.
Thanks to Floater, I just watched it. I’m willing to have a go at getting it out to anyone as well.
I too thought I was depressed enough about the changes we humans have made to our planet but reading many of the thoughts expressed here and on How about that global warming thing !! I find very disturbing. The issue far, far outweighs such small-mindedness.
As for a diet making the biggest impact that everyone overlooks, its the meat consumption. Vegetarian diets have a much smaller impact on the environment

All my life, I have aspired to be a vegetarian. I seem to crave red meat. I really wish I could make the final leap. IF I had a vegetarian chef, it would be so easy. It is difficult.

The little things add up to a lot. Turn the lights off, drive less, avoid packaging...it's not as sexy as blaming some entity or government, but we have a lot of power we don't use.

Remember, we are "them".

Vote with your DOLLARS! This practice is very rewarding, once you get religous about rewarding responsible companies with your business. Low-key, quiet authentic way to practice your convictions.

If you think we are "just fighting for oil" then at least have the decency (not trying to be dramatic) to conserve energy, since we pay in blood.
Pretty soon Iran will have control of the entire Missle East, and the oil, because they will have Nukes. (who said this is not about WMD?) Better to get used to living with less energy now...it's coming.

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