description thoughts for new subforum

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Now that's more like it! That description sounds friendly and inviting. Barangay Pasaway should be a place without too many restrictions where everone can just relax. At least that's what I hope it is.

good good
I think you have to clarify first exactly how “barangay pasaway” differs from the main “regional dive club forum”. The differences may not be clear to a new SB or PPD visitor who is unfamiliar with the issues that led to its creation. For example--

  • From your descriptions it would appear that the regional and dive club PPD forum is where one can get diving information “where to stay, who to dive with” in the Philippines, whereas the “barangay pasaway” subforum is where “local issues” can be discussed. Does the term “local issues” refer to non-diving related issues (such as in the non-diving related subforum)? What topics are limited to each forum?
  • Who can enter “barangay pasaway”? The description implies it’s only open to locals.
  • Tagalog is only one of the local dialects in the Philippines. Can other dialects be spoken? Maybe you should use “local languages or dialects” instead.

The “tagalog may be spoken” phrase points out (what I think was) the main reason for creating “barangay pasaway”- the fact that you would like to keep most discussions in a language that everybody understands. If this is so important, why don’t you just include that provision in your TOS - plus maybe a short explanation for this request in order to avoid future conflicts.

Hi Cathy,

You make some very good points and ask some great questions.

The regional forum is for exactly what you describe. It's used as a clearing house for information on a world wide level. The local issues discussed in the Barangay Pasaway could include anything as long as it does not violate the current TOS.

Anyone can enter Barangay Pasaway if they opt-in to the forum. The reason for the opt-in is so that it keeps the regional languages out of the "New Posts" results for everyone that does not speak the regional languages. Remember that down the road we may have many other forums with other languages. This allows people to opt-in to those regional subforums that contain languages that they would like to read.

"Local languages and dialects" is good wording, I like it.

We have discussed the issue of languages other than English being spoken on the board and we do not want to prohibit this. There are times when it may be helpful to someone's understanding in a discussion if something can be explained using a couple of words or a phrase in a language other than English. The idea for what I will call the "common areas" of the board is that they will operate primarily in English, but taking a step to prohibiting the use of other languages in these areas with a provision in the TOS is taking this to an entirely different level and we do not wish to be that restrictive. Having a subforum for "local language and dialects" is something that I believe brings us to something in between.

I hope that makes sense. This is all a work in progress and will become better through discussion and recommendations like yours.


Now that's more like it! That description sounds friendly and inviting. Barangay Pasaway should be a place without too many restrictions where everone can just relax. At least that's what I hope it is.
That is exactly what we want it to be. I imagine that we're getting close to a new description. It may be a combination of various ideas that are coming up in this thread.

Paolo, did my statement sound hostile in any way. It wasn’t meant to be. I was just trying to point out that if we’re clear on the reasons for creating barangay pasaway, then it will be easier to agree on a description. Personally, I think it would be more organized and less confusing for fellow SB members or visitors to the PPD site -to separate the diving from the non-diving related topics. I believe this is what they did in the Hawai’i O’Hana sub-forum. Although there are few non-diving posts in the main forum, I think most non-diving stuff are placed in -or moved to the “surface interval” sub-forum. This is the place where they hang out and talk about anything and everything like “local grinds” “traffic tickets” or what-not. Perhaps this is their version of BP. What’s the difference? What makes BP a novel experiment?

I think the main difference between their club and ours is that we also speak a non-English language in our posts and for some reason, people who couldn’t understand the threads felt offended or alienated. That’s the other main issue here – which is why it became necessary to add the phrase “where tagalog may be spoken” to the BP description. Sounds ok and in fact on first read I didn’t find anything wrong with it naman. However Jag brought up this issue and I started thinking—might not the corollary to this statement (which would be "Tagalog may NOT be spoken anywhere else in SB, not even in the Filipino main forum") be even more alienating or offensive to some people for whom English is not their native tongue? So if the SB mods don’t find this offensive or at least awkward, why not just write a special request in the general introduction or the TOS asking everyone to only post in English. That way, you won't have to include that controversial phrase in all the regional local clubs.

Now don’t get me wrong guys. I don’t really mind the present description and will go with any description as long as it’s acceptable to the majority and won't offend anyone (whatever national language they use). I also understand and agree with the benefits of having a “universal SB” language. It’s more polite to have one and will make the moderators jobs a lot easier. My point is, since this is an international forum, it would be nicer to request people to speak in English rather than compel them to do so (even if they are obliged to do so). In the Philippines, foreigners are allowed to talk to each other in their language even if there are Filipinos around. Personally, I don't find this offensive. But maybe that's just me.

Lastly, please take note that under the SB classification, the PPD is already a club. It was Barangay Pasaway even before BP was created.
Lastly, please take note that under the SB classification, the PPD is already a club. It was Barangay Pasaway even before BP was created.

true. and that is what you call leading the donkey by the carrot....
My point is, since this is an international forum, it would be nicer to request people to speak in English rather than compel them to do so (even if they are obliged to do so).
I wish it was that easy. The problem is that not everyone takes a 'request' the same way. Some people see that as a loophole to be exploited and no matter how politely they are 'asked' again, they will continue pushing until someone says stop. This thread is actually a reasonable example. I made what I thought was a rather clear announcement about the new forum and what we expected from each from now on. I was kinda hoping that everyone would get the message without me having to get super bossy etc. Now we have this thread which is asking for specifics and trying to get things further defined by 'rules'. I'm not getting at anyone - just pointing out how tricky it can be to lead everyone to the place they need to be. As Christian has already pointed out this whole thing isn't a one off for the PPD forum. We are trying to create a blueprint that is easy to use elsewhere when we need to. For that reason it needs to be as clear and simple as possible - and in the end...the same. If we start treating everyone differently it will lead to all kinds of problems.
if a blueprint emerges successfully from PPD , there is a high likelyhood that it may function well in others.

let's give it time and see what happens. like water, let it sink to it's own level and flow where there is less resistance and in time , a river flows..... or it may dry up.....

yup give it a chance.

@Pao - overflowing is dangerous, and we need dikes (the mods) just in case it does.

overflow = sumosobra

a very good thing to keep in mind

KIM to PPders: sumosobra na kayo ha!!!
I think you have to clarify first exactly how “barangay pasaway” differs from the main “regional dive club forum”. The differences may not be clear to a new SB or PPD visitor who is unfamiliar with the issues that led to its creation.
Cathy...if you have any ideas how to amend this post:
to make it clearer I'm open to suggestions and don't mind editing it at all. Maybe I'll change the title anyway to get people to read it! (It was already stickied!)

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