Guys, I am sorry if I have stiired up a real hornet's nest with this post. Quite a few questions seem to have arisen and not all of them directly under my control. Let me please clarify a few things as I saw them.
As you can all see on their website, Twin tanks are offered only on request on board Truk Odyssey and they have only 3 sets on board. They have 16 divers on board and are usually full. On my trip, there were 16 divers and all but 2 dived the SFM. Only one person was on twins - from the start.
I booked this holiday directly with them because Scuba Safaris' Jim closed shop last year. During the e-mail exchanges, they gave me to understand that a few dives would be "considerably deeper" than 40 metres. Those were the words.
Guests arriving early and doing land based dives through Blue Lagoon Shop before boarding the Odyssey apparently regularly request to dive Amagisan Maru, a dive nearly as deep as the SFM and not covered by the Odyssey. Some of us (not the liveaboard guests) were offered this dive by BLR but for various reasons it did not happen.
From what was said on and off throughout the week and certainly on Saturday, I got the impression that the SFM dive on the last morning was normal and most divers would be on single tanks (since there were max 3 sets of twins on board)
JJ did say "you guys will have some narcosis" and that "we have had quite a few cases of DCS" at various times. But he did NOT trivialise it. Like someone said in this thread, they treated us like responsible adults, I guess.
One of the divers, a 66-year old retired American fireman, was on his second week on board and he did most of his dives (but NOT the SFM) solo. No one else did AFAIK, ceratnly not me. As everyone else had buddies, one of the guides buddied me from the start. For the SFM dive, we were divided into 2 groups, diving 15 minutes apart. Each group was accompanied by 2 divemasters (including Kim) and went as a group.
Coming back to myself, one of you has alleged that I was complacent, had a 'dangerous attitude' and am even now in denial. While I fully accept that it was my error and that I was lucky that the outcome was not more serious, those impressions of a person the poster has never met are presumptuous in the extreme. I am happy to accept and thankful for constructive criticism but do not have to accept insults.
To tell you the truth, I hate the fact that this happened. I have done 327 dives to date and all have been relatively uneventful (at least, no diver error) except this one. I hated myself for allowing it to happen and have told myself off repeatedly. I did not start off wanting to take a risk or to prove anything and just got caught up in the general enthusiam for the dives, which was very prevalent on everyone on the boat. For me, this was a once-in-a-lifetime trip and I accept that during the SFU dive I was not as vigilant as I should have been. This is only an explanation and not an excuse and I know that I was very lucky that the outcome was not more serious.
With hindsight, I must have been narked and somehow made an error in reading my computer. I paid for it with the DCS and it is definitely not an experience that I want to risk again. I posted my experience here to get your constructive criticism and I thank you for it. I am sure that I'll be more careful in the future.