Coming back to myself, one of you has alleged that I was complacent, had a 'dangerous attitude' and am even now in denial. While I fully accept that it was my error and that I was lucky that the outcome was not more serious, those impressions of a person the poster has never met are presumptuous in the extreme. I am happy to accept and thankful for constructive criticism but do not have to accept insults.
I understand that you are writing in response to my comments. Let me say yet again that I intend no insult, but I also don't believe that this serious incident merits coddling your sensibilities. Here is a definition of
pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect;
You are a very experienced diver who has had the means and opportunity to dive in the world's premier dive destinations. I would expect anyone who has done as much diving in varied locales as you have to be a confident diver. I believe that any of us, in your situation, would be 'pleased' with ourselves, our accomplishments, and our good fortune (in the terms of the definition above)! However, when it comes to technical diving conditions like your 52 meter dive to the SFM, you simply didn't have the first clue what you were getting yourself into. In other words (and again in terms of the definition) you were 'without awareness of some potential danger or deficit'. In reality, my post only offered an analysis of events based on the facts you yourself have provided. There is simply no way to sugar coat reality: you attempted a technical dive (danger) that you were unprepared to do (deficit) in spite of of your extensive experience with other sorts of dives.
I posted my experience here to get your constructive criticism and I thank you for it. I am sure that I'll be more careful in the future.
The objective of this forum is to provide 'case studies' that might help other divers avoid making the same mistakes as those who have experienced incidents in which they were in mortal danger. You, Hintermann, were in mortal danger, and not because you were suffering from narcosis, or because you weren't 'careful', but because you quite simply did not know how to plan and execute a dive of this type. 'You don't know what you don't know' is a common theme running through the Accdidents and Incidents forums. Fortunately, ignorance is easily remedied by getting training, particularly for someone with the resources and intelligence you appear to possess. Here is my 'constructive criticism' exactly as I phrased it in the first post I made to this thread. I still don't see how this can be construed as an insult--your belief that it is lends credence to my belief that you're in denial. In other words, merely being 'more careful in the future' isn't enough. You need additional training before you can attempt another dive like the one you injured yourself on.
To redress that ignorance, please get the requisite training and put it into practice before engaging in any other 'big' dives.
I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt, I'm glad you've learned something from the event, and I hope that others can learn through it to avoid the same mistakes, but most of all, I'm glad that you have lived to recount your experience.