No I get you. I can see someone wanting that I guess. I prefer talking to people on the boat and deciding where to go. Like I would get tired easily of going to the C53 time and time and time again because it was on the schedule. That being said, if someone wanted it, I can go again. Wander the wreck a little and go play with the grass eels. On the other hand, I would hate to go on a strong current day, as the C53 doesn't move and you have to fight the current to go from one end to the other.
As I said, my experience and my friends on BlueXTC too is that everyone decides where to go, not the DM. With your schedule the DM is deciding for you. Many time someone would request X reef and Alison would say maybe we should wait a day or two because they are reporting strong currents at X reef today. Where would you be then? Stand up and say No, this is the scheduled reef we go! or ok lets wait until Wednesday? Or maybe, hey everyone want to Canterell today? They saw alot of eagles yesterday? OK, lets do that. But I totally get the whole liking a set schedule and so forth. I am more for the laid back adventure. I would hate to have to choose a reef everyday. I like letting my boatmates pick. I did last month mention that the black tip reef shark pups were sighted on Palancar the day before. Everyone seems interested, so off we went and saw eight or nine cute lil' shark pups. You can't to that on a schedule without someone having a fit. You can't do special stuff as you promised something else. By the same token I have gotten on the boat and heard a diver was promised a trip to a certain reef. I was happy to go with it to fulfill their wish. Even if it was Columbia Shallows.... again.....
If you don't mind me asking, who does schedules that you picked?
As for you convo with the owner, well if that ticked you off, then sure I wouldn't go with them either. I was just pointing out the DMs I know over there are top notch. I would dive with either of them any day. Pedro Pablo is a great guide from all reports and find people a lot of stuff. And I like Wech a lot too. I just wanted to point out that the peeps on the boat are top notch.
As for cattle boats, so people like that and to each his own. I know people that like to stay south, go out on one dive, come back have lunch at the resort, go back after lunch for another tank, etc etc. Not saying that is wrong either. Some big cattle boats might have 3-4 groups on them, but they might also have a big fancy spot for cameras and camera rinse tanks and all. And you sure can't poll 20-30 divers to pick a sight. It all in what you want.