I would agree with what @DjDiverDan has already stated and reinforce the following:
1. Cozumel is not like many other places where you would necessarily want to stay near the "best" dive spots. The best dive spots run nearly the entire length of the west side of the island from the southwest and right on up toward the far north. If you stay in the deep south of the island, you are pretty much stuck staying at all inclusive resorts, which means you will likely miss out on a lot of the best that Cozumel has to offer i.e. culture, night life, great restaurants, local interaction and also "potentially" a number of reefs that those resorts and their dive ops may be unwilling to venture further north to dive.
2. With the exception of the very deep south and very far north dive sites mentioned by Dive Dan already (which are advanced dive sites, usually only visited on request), all other dive sites will give you the option to stay above 95 feet and experience what you are looking to experience. Although, having said that, Cozumel is also unique in that there are some amazing things to see in terms of coral and reef structure in the 80-100 foot range.
3. March is a perfectly great time to visit and dive Cozumel. Weather will be great.
4. I'd also encourage you, especially your first visit, to stay downtown and pick from any number of the great dive ops. I am not going to cheerlead for any one dive op, although I have my own preference. You will need to research that a bit more on your own and decide what works best for you.
Have fun and definitely go!
1. Cozumel is not like many other places where you would necessarily want to stay near the "best" dive spots. The best dive spots run nearly the entire length of the west side of the island from the southwest and right on up toward the far north. If you stay in the deep south of the island, you are pretty much stuck staying at all inclusive resorts, which means you will likely miss out on a lot of the best that Cozumel has to offer i.e. culture, night life, great restaurants, local interaction and also "potentially" a number of reefs that those resorts and their dive ops may be unwilling to venture further north to dive.
2. With the exception of the very deep south and very far north dive sites mentioned by Dive Dan already (which are advanced dive sites, usually only visited on request), all other dive sites will give you the option to stay above 95 feet and experience what you are looking to experience. Although, having said that, Cozumel is also unique in that there are some amazing things to see in terms of coral and reef structure in the 80-100 foot range.
3. March is a perfectly great time to visit and dive Cozumel. Weather will be great.
4. I'd also encourage you, especially your first visit, to stay downtown and pick from any number of the great dive ops. I am not going to cheerlead for any one dive op, although I have my own preference. You will need to research that a bit more on your own and decide what works best for you.
Have fun and definitely go!