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"Some folks?" Are you so sure about that? Check your own behavior before you throw stones. Before any U.S. Citizen points their finger at another U.S. Citizen claiming they are racist or privileged, or whatever based on the words they use they should look at themselves. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of U.S. Citizens consider the term "American" to be synonymous with "U.S. Citizen" and their use of it broadcasts their privileged entitlement to the world that We The People of the USA are the only "Americans" that really matter and totally ignores the fact that every person living in North, Central and South America are all "Americans" by proper definition. Even the dictionaries haven't figured this out yet as many still define "American" as "A native or citizen of the United States". For those who may say the only true "Americans" are Native North American Indians... Well, that displays the same level of ignorance.

I personally never refer to myself as an "American" when traveling abroad but as a "Citizen of the USA". It's just that simple because the use of "American" can be equally offensive on an international scale when traveling throughout the Americas. Again, check you're own behavior before you judge or lecture others.
LOL! Settle down Sue...I was referring to the use of Oriental. I thought that was a train? Or a rug......LOL!
We don't know. But there are reasons and we should look into them rather than assuming that orientals are protected to some extent just because they wear masks.

The Chinese government was extremely effective in locking down and quarantining certain areas. They have the kind of government that can do that, and the kind of people that will cooperate without questioning.

In South Korea and Japan, the government responded quickly and passed resolutions (including economic support) to encourage people to stay home if sick, to encourage the use of facemasks by everyone (which was already a pretty common thing in those two countries) and to use cell phone data to assist with contact tracing. In other words, they responded quickly and effectively.

According to the people that do this for a living (i.e. epidemiologists), this is what has made the difference between how well the virus was contained in those countries compared to elsewhere. The comparatively amateur response by the Trump administration will be analyzed for years in comparison studies... how to respond effectively vs how to create a mess.
This is utter silliness. I'm not talking about Russians. I believe by using the word Oriental everybody understood who I was talking about.

My parents would understand you were talking about Asians. Not sure anyone under 70 would catch the reference though.
By using that word, you are embarrassing yourself. Do you use the "N" word (a word that once was widely used without a thought), too? I would assume you probably do (though maybe not in public), because the "O" word you insist on using is equally offensive and racist.

You are free to be that way, just be aware how it makes you look to others (like someone dressed up in a sheet, burning crosses at night).

Using "Oriental" to refer to Asians is more like using "colored folk" to refer to African Americans. It's an anachronism. When old people say either, you know they're not being mean... they are just remembering life from many decades ago. It's really only offensive as we want it to be.
And, it's completely possible that there are genetic factors that make some people more or less susceptible. Contrary to the contemporary cultural brainwashing you seem to be having a tough time working through, we are not all 100% identical......and there's nothing wrong, insulting, or racist about that, either.

It's extremely unlikely that there is any genetic difference that causes people of one particular ethnicity to be more or less susceptible to the effects of the new coronavirus than the people of another ethnicity. And by "extremely unlikely", I mean... no. The fact is that in many ways we are practically identical. If we were that different, medication would be, in general, useless. The fact that our modern pharmaceuticals work as well as they do means that the way our bodies respond to these pharmaceuticals is, essentially, identical. And the way we respond to viruses is in line with the way we respond to medications.

China, Japan and South Korea did not contain the virus because they have a genetic advantage. They contained the virus because they had a governmental advantage.
You shouldn't be upset at all, because you are an "American" by proper definition.

Want to take this even further... How about being referred to as a "Gringo". Is that a bad thing? Websters states that Gringo is "often disparaging a foreigner in Spain or Latin America especially when of English or American origin." SO? What is "English" or "American" origin?

Do some research on the word "Gringo". I'm a Gringo when I visit and I don't have any problem being referred to as a Gringo.
I agree wholeheartedly, gavacho works fine too. I recognize either gringo or gavacho or Americano can be slurs but who cares.
Saying "gabacho" means everyone understands that we are talking about a white American male. I suspect most of central and south America speaks of "Americanos" and understands that to be someone from the USA. Certainly the ones I know do but I've only been in Peru, Guatemala, Equador, Mexico and barely in Panama.
It's extremely unlikely that there is any genetic difference that causes people of one particular ethnicity to be more or less susceptible to the effects of the new coronavirus than the people of another ethnicity. And by "extremely unlikely", I mean... no. The fact is that in many ways we are practically identical. If we were that different, medication would be, in general, useless. The fact that our modern pharmaceuticals work as well as they do means that the way our bodies respond to these pharmaceuticals is, essentially, identical. And the way we respond to viruses is in line with the way we respond to medications.

China, Japan and South Korea did not contain the virus because they have a genetic advantage. They contained the virus because they had a governmental advantage.
Uh huh. Now explain why smallpox wiped out entire populations of native Americans. Go ahead.
So how is Asian better?

Good question. It's what everyone just switched to. Not sure anyone asked the Asians for their input, but you know... America.
Uh huh. Now explain why smallpox wiped out entire populations of native Americans. Go ahead.
Virgin soil effect...which is an outdated concept now, outside of places like the amazon basin.

‘I should add that I don’t really know what you guys are debating, but I’m guessing it’s transmission etc. And native Americans/smallpox has little relevance to any transmission today, unless the argument/theory is China built up an immunity to covid and released it purposefully to impact other nations... which leads me to:

Chinese general etc. To Chinese scientist “ ok, so we want to develop a bio weapon to cripple the west”
Scientist: “great idea, something like anthrax etc to decimate their fighting forces?”
General “ Nah, just something to wipe out grannies and the morbidly obese”

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