That's where I'm getting the numbers that I post from. I figure people in this forum are most concerned about Cozumel, so I break that out, and I throw in the state-wide numbers for a more regional view.
The SESA report doesn't include the previous days tallies, so one would have to look for those, and I'd be constantly explaining that "Benito Juarez" is Cancun, where is Othon P Blanco, why isn't Playa on there, and so on. But it's good to show the source once in a while.
The other thing about SESA report that I've mentioned occassionally is the ratio of negative to positive tests. In Q. Roo it's about 1.4:1. In other places around the world it's 5:1, and sometimes much higher. It just shows that testing is very limited.
A friend of mine whose sister is a health care worker told me that she said that there is a significant problem with false negative tests. False positive = bad for the testee; false negative = bad for the rest of us.