My province has the second lowest rate of covid in the country and only a handful of deaths.
Sounds like your province has good management and a good plan. Observing how other areas are dealing with the virus and what their outcomes have been being certainly one of the best ways to learn. It may be a stretch to compare directly as testing capabilities and reporting protocols may differ greatly, but I thought I'd look at some raw numbers.
Saskatchewan: population 1.1 million, 331 cases (0.3/thousand), 4 deaths (1.2%)
Texas: populations 29.9 million, 20,196 cases (0.68/thousand), 517 deaths (2.6%)
Me watching the more populated county nearby where I shop...
Hale county Texas: 33,406, 16 cases (0.48/thousand), 4 deaths (25%)
That rate of death
looks alarming, but it's really too small of a sample.
Looking at a state with wild plans to reopen boldly...
Georgia: population 10.6 million, 21,102 cases (2/thousand), 846 deaths (4%)
I join many others wonder what Georgia thinks it's doing opening gyms and hair salons?!
US: deaths 50,372 of 890K cases = 5.7%
With Mexico's numbers bases on lower test rates and only a guestimate of numbers, I don't see a point in comparing.