Cozumel COVID-19 updates

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Not cheap - $411 one way from Grand Rapids

If they truly allow people to return to work starting June 1st, they expect tourism in June.

And Cozumel wouldn't be an anomaly. Other dive ops I've talked to, from Playa to Xcalak, fully expect to be diving the first week of June.
Which may be a grave, grave mistake if the virus isn't under control where tourists come from.
I totally get it - I only added it because at first I was like hurray we stayed at 15 then I seen the huge jump in Cancun :(

I like the day to day comparisons, I really hope the cases in study number is decreasing due to less people being sick.........

My wife is going to try and get down here in 3 or 4 weeks, her card is expired and needs renewed by end of May to stay within the 55 day window, it'll be great to see her but I'm real worried about the traveling - I hear the flights are empty so that's a great bonus but still...... American seems to be coming in on Saturday's, there's no way she's going thru Cancun.

The reports being posted here are just a small part of the picture. Also a source and opinions from only one local facebook page. Day to day comparisons of what? Only Cozumel? These are misleading. You need to look at what's going on in the entire state of Quintana Roo. It's hard for many people to see it that way, since you come from states with huge populations. Yes, you are right to be looking at Cancun.

Cozumel has somewhere about 100-120K. Cancun about 680K and Playa del Carmen about 180k.
The state of Q. Roo is about 1.5 million (That's from 2015)
The numbers for the state of Q Roo right now are at 426 positives and 55 deaths.
Remember what they keep telling us, that there's at least 8-10x higher than the numbers posted.

From the reports here, no one is really seeing the big picture and looking at what is going on in other municipalities in the state of Quintana Roo. You will also not see the numbers at the various local hospitals like IMSS, SESA and ISSSTE. The private hospitals are listed as OTRAS (Others). So you can't guestimate because someone tells you that CMC or International Hospitals don't have many patients.
Just Google IMSS - COVID19 and Mexico and see what comes up and I don't have an exact number of how many of these public hospitals are in Mexico. People need to see the whole picture.

I am going to post the numbers for Quintana Roo for today.
Cozumel is up 1 more death (2 total). We know there's more. That's for sure. And we know we have a lot more infections than the 15 they posted. But they don't have the tests. And there are numerous people with the virus but they are not tested. We also know that there has been a surge in atypical pneumonia cases here.
The Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez has made several announcements saying that we need to prepare. That we should take the numbers and multiply them by at least 8.

You mentioned something about your wife trying to come here. Am not sure from where, but if her Resident card is expired, then there's nothing you can do. It's done already. Or maybe you meant "gong to expire"? Maybe someone can find out for you if they are waiving any late applications.

I personally wouldn't tell anyone to travel here right now. Do you have medical insurance here? That's something to think about. There are 100 hospital beds for 100K people. Much much less for ICU. Is she over 60? Does she have any underlying health issues - diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc? Think about the fact that she's safe right now and home and if you can, try and wait out phase 3. Or you go back to where she is and do a 2-week quarantine. Am not trying to scare anyone, but there was a young 38-year-old nurse that worked that at the IMSS hospital in Cancun - she just died today from COVID19. She was sick for a week, was home and had isolated herself from her family,. She had no other health issues other than hypertension. I just read that today.
Be safe, please. Thank you.



  • 04 22 Cases in Q Roo_426_CZM_15_Pos_2 Deaths.jpg
    04 22 Cases in Q Roo_426_CZM_15_Pos_2 Deaths.jpg
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Which may be a grave, grave mistake if the virus isn't under control where tourists come from.
Like the US, Canada, South America, and Europe? Good luck with that.

So far, the news suggests a vaccine is nowhere in the near future, and even herd immunity from recovering isn't working well as they're not sure that works. We hope for better news someday soon.
If they truly allow people to return to work starting June 1st, they expect tourism in June.

And Cozumel wouldn't be an anomaly. Other dive ops I've talked to, from Playa to Xcalak, fully expect to be diving the first week of June.

I think it's daft to book a dive trip the first week of June. We're not even out of quarantine until the end of May If you book it, you'd better book trip insurance. Because we are truly not going to know anything until then and it all depends on what happens in the next 3-4 weeks.
I'm still trying to figure out how people plan to do the social distancing thing on a dive boat? That's got me really concerned. And believe me, I want to be one of the first people back in the water. Oh, and we still don't even know when the numbers in the US are going to plateau.
That's super scary for us here. It's also super scary not working. Believe me, I'm two months without work.
I think it's daft to book a dive trip the first week of June. We're not even out of quarantine until the end of May If you book it, you'd better book trip insurance. Because we are truly not going to know anything until then and it all depends on what happens in the next 3-4 weeks.
I'm still trying to figure out how people plan to do the social distancing thing on a dive boat? That's got me really concerned. And believe me, I want to be one of the first people back in the water. Oh, and we still don't even know when the numbers in the US are going to plateau.
That's super scary for us here. It's also super scary not working. Believe me, I'm two months without work.

I have a theory on the whole thing for us here, part based on hope, part based on numbers.

The official results have always shown cases in study and that number has always been over 200 until the last two days. Yesterday there was a spike in cases but the cases in study is now down in the 60’s. The test results are taking one to two weeks, so what we see today is really at least week old info. My hope is that we are just getting past the peak of things.

Of course, we could have run out of tests two weeks ago and we are just at the beginning of this disaster......

It really only takes a few sick people to start this whole train wreck up again, I still see people here taking this too casually and the safest thing for us all is to just give this time and take it seriously. Other than a pizza run last night, it’d been over a week since I left the house, have to grocery shop today - which all resets my self imposed seven day paranoia of am I sick or not.

I understand people getting antsy in the US but it’s really frightening that those folks may get on a plane and bring it here - it only takes one person. I think it’s crazy to think we are going back to business as usual on June 1st, crazy.
If they truly allow people to return to work starting June 1st, they expect tourism in June.

And Cozumel wouldn't be an anomaly. Other dive ops I've talked to, from Playa to Xcalak, fully expect to be diving the first week of June.
I wouldn't take that date very seriously. Remember, MLB originally said that the baseball season would be delayed by two weeks, but as the revised opening date approached and the pandemic continued to develop they revised their position accordingly. I'm betting that as June 1 draws near the anticipated startup date for Cozumel and Yucatan diving will get pushed out. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
What’s that site??
Matrix Airfare Search. Matrix - ITA Software by Google I think that google bought it so they could use the software to create Google Flights, but I have never liked that site as much. Matrix is a great place to search for flights once you learn the skills with the choices. The cheapest flights are Basic Economy so you may decide to pay a little more for Main Cabin and more flexibility. I usually do. Southwest does not provide fares to the site tho, so you have to search them separately.

Other than a pizza run last night, it’d been over a week since I left the house, have to grocery shop today - which all resets my self imposed seven day paranoia of am I sick or not.
Wear a mask & glasses, use a doggy poop bag or something else to open doors and discard, keep your distance, wash hands often with soap, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, or alcohol, leave your shoes and clothes at the door at home. Jen goes on to set up a disinfectant station at the door where she disinfects her shoes and washes her clothes; I just put them back on when I go out again, but we've only had three cases within 15 miles. I do go to the next county shopping weekly where they've had 16.
What’s that site??
As Dandy said, Goolge bought ITA Matrix a number of years ago. Matrix is only really useful for searching for weird connections anymore (A to B, must connect through C, in fare class Y123). You were never able to book flights there. shows the same pricing and will link to the booking page.
It really only takes a few sick people to start this whole train wreck up again, I still see people here taking this too casually and the safest thing for us all is to just give this time and take it seriously.
I agree. I had to run out this morning for some coffee (to brew at home, not just a cup) and to pay the electric bill. I saw many people without masks, people walking their dogs for multiple blocks, and a guy (also without a mask) jogging (obviously for exercise) down 10th Ave.
I think it’s crazy to think we are going back to business as usual on June 1st, crazy.
Let's not forget that the Navy has directed the Port Captains to close the ports for recreational purposes, "until further notice". While I've seen the 1-June date from AMLO to *start* reopening, I haven't seen anything that says the ports will reopen then.

The governors also seem to be taking a much harder line than the federal government. There are strict curfews in Q.Roo, and some of the western state governors have negotiated closing the borders between states to non-residents (If you're a resident of state A and are in state B, you can cross the border going into A. But you won't be able to cross back to B; non-residents can't cross at all). So it will be interesting to see what happens.

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