Covid Update
Once again, as of 10 Nov, the daily new infections and number of active infections are rising.
The Public Health says the source of most of the infections is known, that they are almost all within the resident population, and mostly in the 20-60 year-old group. The
BES Reporter says this latest outbreak is among teachers, children, and their parents.
No new restrictions are being put into place, except for an experimental program running Nov 15 to Jan 15 to try and control "high-risk events" over the holidays, meaning gatherings with 100 to 250 people. Such events must be permitted in advance, end by midnight, and require a vaccination QR code as an admission ticket, or a negative antigen test within 24h before the event. The QR code is available to citizens of Bonaire and those with a sédula (residency permit). The QR code can also be shown using the CoronaCheck app, which is based in the Netherlands and for Dutch citizens.
Vaccinations are still increasing, slowly. As of today, Nov 10, 15,972 adults (18+ years old) have received at least one shot, 14,090 have received two. 697 12-18 year-olds have gotten at least one shot, 818 two shots. The original target was 85% vaccination; that has almost been achieved.