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Granted, but he doesn't much care for sushi.

Wish you could change tattoos when you get tired of them.
Granted, you can change them for one that says "Dave Loves the 12,000 midgets," all contained in a heart design.

Wish Dave had realized those tattoos were permanent when he got them.
Granted, so I didn't get them - got one of an octopus instead. :D

Wish SD didn't have to spend every Sunday going door to door with Veggie Tales literature.
Granted instead SD goes door to door with "Beware of the predator among us -- CaveDiver" signs . . .

Wish SD would stop pissing off CD!
Granted, now CD idolizes Scuba Do (as he should).

Wish BettyRubble weren't sneaking up behind me with those snips!
Granted, you can tell what direction she's coming from by the sound of the idling chainsaw...

Wish SD can escape through the air ducts.
Granted, you can tell what direction she's coming from by the sound of the idling chainsaw....


Granted, but CD, who now follows me around in awe, didn't make it out!

Wish all of BettyRubble's xs (official and otherwise) luck!
Granted, they were lucky enough to have encountered BR but that luck ran out and now they walk a little funny.

Wish my LDS meeting tonight had chocolate cake at it!
Granted and Betty (over)indulges in it. As a result of her gluttony she suffers a wardrobe malfunction as that last button fails under the constant strain. Following the laws of physics, an object in motion tends to stay in motion and the button bounces around the room like a pinball gone mad, causing serious eye damage to 13 people, an assortment of bruises to numerous to count and breaking 3 display cases at the shop.

I wish so many people at Betty's LDS didnt look like this now: :pirate1:
Granted, now they all look like this:

I wish I lived closer to the ocean.

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