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granted but they use a very tiny font

I wish tori could read faster...

granted but she can only read japanese

i wish tori would send me a valentine
Granted, but she can't send it oversees,so it gets sent back to her.

I wish Diving Docs picture didn't look like the devil :) .
granted... it looks like a bull... with red horns...

i wish it wasnt so cold outside.. so i could go and work on my Jeep...
Yeah, it's now 112 and your jeep will cost so much to fix it would be cheeper to get a 2007 Dodge Viper but you cant take it off road. THen teh government decides to outlaw SUVs and orders the Army (maybe the Marines) to destroy all existing vehicles but when they look at your piece of junk half of them give up and defect.

I wish I had more time for Scubaboard... :(

by the way, here's the address for our newspaper e-mail (on the staff page for addresses or private message me comments on the stories. Afraid this is a loser edition though, lots of newbies:
Sure, they keep it so cold that the AC freezes and won't be fixed until next year. In the meantime, there is a major heat wave.

I wish I had a wish right now.
Granted, your wish has been taken into consideration by the board to see if your worthy.

I wish ToriZ gets her wish approved by the board.
TA-DA!! ToriZ's wish to have a wish WAS approved by the board, only she took too long submitting the proper paperwork detailing what exactly she was wishing for that her wish permit expired.

I wish I had a zodiac!
Granted, but your zodiac is a KILLER. bawwwa:11: .

I wish we could all get along. :D
Well, we all get along now. There's no fighting or arguing, in fact, things are soooo peaceful and friendly in this country that Barney the big, purple dinosaur has made a comeback. You are now President of his fanclub.

I wish I had perfect buoyancy on my night dives.

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