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granted, but the DIR folks and the PADI folks turn it into a turf war and it is an absolute bloodbath.

I wish the DIR folks and PADI folks could just get along...
Granted, but now the open heal and the closed heal fin guys have declared genocide on each other and there are only three divers left alive, two of which dont really like diving anyway....

I wish they made clippers specifically to get ride of those little tufts between your toes....
Fine but they grow back thicker and darker.

I wish I could get a 36 on the ACT.
Granted, but ACT stands for Anchovie Curator Test.

I wish ToriZ didn't have a future feeding fish.
Fine, I'll keep all the spam. Or I'll sell it to the government: could be used to interrorgate terror suspects.

I wish corrupt a wish showed up on the Latest Threads section of the homepage.
Oh, I'm touched.
Fine, but you have to edit 30 cr@ppy articles for my school newspaper.

I wish those "reporters" could write better.

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