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Granted they land on your house instead
I wish Bry didn't lose his eye because of the 'gulls
Granted, he lost his left testicle to the gulls. (Can I say "testicle" here?) :11:

I wish, for DiverBry's sake, gulls would be more selective in their choice of organs to eat.
Granted, he lost his left testicle to the gulls. (Can I say "testicle" here?) :11:

I wish, for DiverBry's sake, gulls would be more selective in their choice of organs to eat.

Granted, the gulls now eat Taniwha's Wurlitzer organ.

I wish Taniwha could find another way to play his very favorite music.
granted, he has a badly out tune guitar that he plays for hours at your house

I wish my flight was so dang early in the morning.
Granted, it was last night and now you've missed it.

I wish there wasn't such a badly tuned guitar player on the next flight you catch.
granted, there isn't a bably tuned guitar on my next flight, instead nothing with well tuned and well played guitars

I wish cave would realize I have a high tolerence for bad music.
Granted, to test your high tolerance, the badly tuned guitar is now a badly-tuned set of bagpipes, and wstein is seated next to two members of the Scottish national bagpipe band, who is practicing for their next gig, and invite him to travel with them.

I wish wstein liked haggis better.
granted.....yummmmmmmmmmmy!!! nothing like a nice hot plate of hagis in the morning (I actually do have a can I brought back from Scotland)

I wish Diver understood my eating habits better.
Granted (they CAN the stuff?!!), except I still don't understand your eating habits.

I wish someone could understand wstein's eating habits.
Granted they just don't understand him
I wish I could've went diving today(the viz was too bad from our recent rainstorms)

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