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granted you don't have to change your bed, you instead get to enjoy sleeping outside without a mosquito net

I wish I had remembered to do my flight check in this morning instead of this afternoon
granted but your vacation was canceled.

I wish I had the money for a new tattoo
Granted but you don't have enough for a good tattoo only enought to pay for a guy with one eye and partially blind in the next.
I wish I didn't have to do the legwork so I could go diving tomorrow
Granted, now you have to do the legwork so you can bathe your sister's dogs every day for the next week.

I wish lil_sis wouldn't get doggie-dishpan hands!
Granted you are nice enough to do it for her.
I wish I had a whole lotsa money
Granted, you now have nearly all of the Monopoly money ever printed.

I wish lil_sis would go directly to jail and not collect $200
Granted but in a change of events she lands on JACKPOT and now has won a million dollars.
I wish it wasn't monopoly money that I just won
Granted, it is walrus droppings that you have just won.

I wish lil_sis could find something creative to do with this marine doo.
Granted she builds a house for you
I wish DiverBry didn't smell do bad from living in a house made of doo
Granted, now lil_sis is the one who smells so bad from living in a house of doo.

I wish the seagulls wouldn't be afraid of landing on your house.

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