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Granted, now the Scottsmen go around without kilts.

I wish for all our sakes the Scottsmen wore underwear...
Granted, but the on orn unworn arn randanganorn... kilt has underwear!

I wish I knew what that last post said. :confused:
Granted: It says plaid underwear should always coordinate with your kilt.

I wish I was diving in Fiji right now.
granted but, the viz is 1ft, the water is 20 degrees below zero, and you have a 0.5mm suit on.

I wish wstein you all would find something better to do than corrupt each other's wishes.

(Oh and alsooses gets somes bettas grammas)
Granted, we all get beta Grammas, and our alpha ones are glad for new shuffleboard partners!

I wish my fingers weren't so numb.
granted, now your head is so numb instead that you can't think clearly enough to post.

I wish I had gotten more sleep and wasn't so tired.
ghjkdsmm ,,m ehjk wek fjjf hqoo eiur fkd.,s kdjfh. dkjf!@

I wishk kk kdwo fjiewokl ghiow lsa eirf!!
ghjkdsmm ,,m ehjk wek fjjf hqoo eiur fkd.,s kdjfh. dkjf!@

I wishk kk kdwo fjiewokl ghiow lsa eirf!!

Granted, your ehkj wek's eiur fkds and kdjfh.

I wish everyone else could understand what you wrote too!

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