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Granted, but the plane crashes halfway out, and you end up on the "seat cushion as a flotation device" dive instead.

I wish Diverbry's seat cushion actually did float.
Granted, not only does it float, it surfs, and a coincidental Cuban earthquake causes a rare Gulf Coast tsunami which DiverBry catches with his AmericanAirlines seat cushion cum Surfboard and completes his journey to Mexico.

I wish my dive gear wasn't at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico...
Granted, not only does it float, it surfs, and a coincidental Cuban earthquake causes a rare Gulf Coast tsunami which DiverBry catches with his AmericanAirlines seat cushion cum Surfboard and completes his journey to Mexico.

I wish my dive gear wasn't at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico...
Granted, it's at the surface waiting on you but, incidentally, you're at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

I wish I knew where DiverBry found all this time to travel.
Granted, you find out that Diverbry has been stealing all your vacation hours.

I wish Diverbry had some warning that freediver was coming after him.
Granted, freediver's favorite food is now beans, and he now continuously announces his arrival.

I wish I could introduce freediver to the Slitheen...
Granted, the Slitheen is now wearing the skin of freediver and is coming after DiverBry; this time the sound of discharging beans in not working his favor.

I wish DiverBry had not invited the Slitheen to this planet.
Granted, KFrogger actually was the one who invited them to this planet.

I wish I could run away from Slitheen-Kfrogger and Slitheen-freediver!
what the heck is Slitheen? granted but they're stupid

I wish life weren't so hard!
granted, life becomes soft and squishy like diverbry's belly and wstein's brain.

I wish diverbry would do more sit ups to tone up :D Wstein is hopeless. lol

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