FANTASTIC replies!! I thank each of you
I did u/w photography for about 6 yrs...and LOVED it!! I am just not as bit by it anymore.
While on my break from diving, I've gotten really into photography (even more than before LOL) and exploring abandoned places. It's super fun, like a time machine to the past. I've found houses that have been left behind since 1991 with everything left in them. It's not really a legal activity unless you get permission from the owner...but harmless. This has been a big hobby of mine, along with photography and photo editing, since I was 10. There are also places open to the public, perfectly legal to walk around and photograph. Also safe!
Photography is really fun. Go out and start taking shots of even just your may get the bug.
I did u/w photography for about 6 yrs...and LOVED it!! I am just not as bit by it anymore....I am a bit more living in the moment than capturing it. Nothing wrong with either one....just where I am at these days.
Oh said it...I was soooo into them for about 10yrs. I LOVE working on them...just a function over form simplicity to them...I just do not really ride them...too city riding for me, if I lived in the county, I might have a dozen ha ha
I walk my neighborhood at holidays and take pictures of the house/yard decorations. Then I post them on Flickr for all to look at. Looking forward to Halloween....
I did use to take walks in college...backpack full of snacks, camera in much fun to get out and see what happens, what you find
I drive at least 90 minutes to dive sites. Current favorite one is four hours each way. Requires at least one night in a hotel.
Dang, that is pretty dedicated, bud!
Check out astronomy. So many things you can do within the hobby. Deep space objects, Astro photography, asteroid hunting, planet viewing, etc.
Oooooh, that is intriguing...hmmmm....not sure on this one, how do get into it?
If the gear you have isn't expensive to buy again, then sell.
If you do return to diving, you can pick up used gear and start again.
If your gear is top grade, then store and maintain annually for a year or two.
Then reconsider whether its time to really sell off or not.
My gear is as good as I can get it...the best that I can come up with...the best I can imagine, tho...swapping my MK25s for Mk19s would be interesting to try, my budget is not there at this time, tho...gotta pay for the fam first
What to do after scuba? You need a wooden boat, a big one, like a mid 50's 38' Matthews. That will fill the empty time in your life. If you don't like boats, then a early 60's British sports car, perhaps a Lotus 7 or Morgan. Either way, you will have a hobby that fills your time, empties your wallet, and you may learn new skills like oakum caulking or searching for Lucas electrical shorts and balancing SU carbs.
Oooohweeee, a mid-century boat is my dream....sailboat over a power boat tho...just not the funds that can can support it. My dream is to get one, work 100% remote and just sail up and down the west coast...maybe down the western Pacific! Once the kids are grown up
Well, at this time...I am still a little unsure of what I will do...but...I will give the fishing kayak a try for a dive. I cannot give up with out at least trying that. I *might* save my regs...and sell the rest. The regs are my heart...custom MK25/S600s...
Again, I sincerely appreciate all that each of you have shared...they are gifts of experiences unique to each of you...that you did not have to share with some internet kindly did anyway...and I appreciate it!!