Come to Okinawa, Japan for World Class Diving

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Here is information on live aboards in Okinawa, Japan I found this on or PADI japan

地元を知り尽くした名ガイドに水中を案内してもらいたい! Did know the name of a local guide would like to see us in the water!
― ファンダイブ・プラン ― - FANDAIBU plans --
ただ潜るだけじゃイヤ! But you just do not want to go! 地元の名ガイドに水中を案内してもらいたい! The name of a local tour guide in the hope of the water! オプショナルツアーも充実したものがいい! Optional is also a good quality! 宿泊先にこだわりたい! KODAWARITAI to stay! そんなあなたのニーズを満たすPADIが厳選したワンランク上のファンダイブ・プランです。 PADI that you carefully selected to meet the needs of the one-rank FANDAIBU on the plan. もちろん、ダイビングは地元を知り尽くしたPADIプロフェッショナルがあなたに最高のファンダイブをご提供します。 Of course, did know the local PADI diving professionals FANDAIBU you to offer you the best.

3時間那覇エリアFUNダイビング・体験ダイビング・スノーケリングツアー Naha area for three hours diving experience diving SUNOKERINGUTSUA FUN
~ツアー所要時間が3時間だから、海で遊んだ後も時間たっぷり~ - Duration of the tour is 3 hours, plenty of time after playing in the sea --
(期間:2008年10月1日~2008年12月23日) (Duration: 2008 from October 1, December 2008 23)

沖縄 豪華クルーザーによるダイビングクルーズ Diving in Okinawa by luxury yacht cruise
~沖縄の海でこれまでにないリッチな雰囲気の中でダイビングを楽しみましょう~ Okinawa - unprecedented in the sea in an atmosphere rich to enjoy diving
(期間:出発日限定:2008/11/7 3泊4日) (Duration: Limited Departure Date: 2008/11/7 three nights and four days)

チービシ諸島・イキイキ☆サンゴ大作戦 2008 Battle of the Coral Islands CHIBISHI 2008 IKIIKI ☆
~沖縄の「海」を「サンゴ」を復活させよう!!~ - Okinawa's "sea" to "coral" to try to revive! ~
(期間:出発日限定:2008/11/6 2泊3日) (Duration: Limited Departure Date: 2008/11/6 two nights and three days)

一緒に泳ごう・・・ジンベイザメ観察Diving Diving with the observation of whale shark泳GOU
世界最大の魚「ジンベイザメ」と一緒に泳ぐチャンスです。 The world's largest fish, "whale shark" is a chance to swim with.
(期間:2008年10月~2008年12月) (Date: October 2008 - December 2008)

クリアブルーの世界・八丈島・ファン&フォトツアー Clear blue fans and photo tour of the world's Hachijo Island
フォト初心者の方も楽しめます! Even beginners can enjoy more photo!
(期間:2008年7月1日~2008年12月31日) (Duration: 2008 July 1 - 2008 December 31)

パラオスポート号で行く パラオペリリュースペシャルクルーズ PARAOPERIRYUSUPESHARUKURUZU go in a number PARAOSUPOTO
イレズミフエダイ狙いのペリリュークルーズ   (期間:出発日限定:2008/11/20 2008/11/24 7日間) The aim PERIRYU IREZUMIFUEDAI Cruise (Duration: Limited Departure Date: 2008/11/20 2008/11/24 7 days)

フロリダ クリスタルリバー マナティ スノーケリングツアー Crystal River Florida, Manati SUNOKERINGUTSUA
とってものんびり、やさしいほのぼのマナティに会いに行こう! Very easygoing, friendly warm Manati going to see!
(期間:出発日限定:2009/2/6 6日間) (Duration: Limited Departure Date: 2009/2/6 6 days)

黒潮踊る南紀串本のお得な宿泊ダイビングプラン Contact the Kushimoto Kuroshio best dance stayed Nanki plan Diving
≪なんと・・・2ボートと宿泊付でこの価格≫ «What stayed with two boats and the price»
(期間:2008年6月1日~2008年11月29日) (Duration: 2008 June 1 - November 2008 29)

伊豆大島 アクセスGoodなスノーケリングフィッシュウォッチングツアー Good access Izu-Oshima SUNOKERINGUFISSHUUOTCHINGUTSUA
豊かな自然の大島の海で、楽しく観察   (期間:2008年7月~2008年10月) Oshima nature of the sea, enjoy watching (Period: July 2008 - October 2008)

シロザケ遡上撮影会 グラントスカルピン オリジナル企画 GURANTOSUKARUPIN chum salmon original photo session on the planning遡
三陸・志津川に回帰・遡上するシロザケを撮影する事ができます。 Shizugawa遡return to the Sanriku on the chum salmon can be taken.
(期間:2008年11月8日~2008年12月7日) (Duration: 2008 November 8 2008 Dec 7)

雲見ダイブ&ドルフィンスキンシップ Dolphin Dive &雲見physical contact
地形と光と生物の芸術がダイバーを魅了する雲見とイルカスキンシップをセットにしたプラン   (期間:通年) And light terrain art and biology to attract divers and dolphins雲見plan to set physical contact (Duration: year-round)
I am searching for the Okinawan Dugoon/Manatee...possibly extinct...does any one have any information on this creature?
I'll add it to my list of placed to dive after I win the lottery.

Ken, You are from Florida; The Dugoon (or Jugoons as the Okinawas say it) are related to the Florida Manatee. Is there some place that I can learn about the Florida Manatee? I know they migrate to Cyrstal River, Florida in the winter because of the warm springs, and that Manatee's don't have a lot of body fat they use these spings to stay warm. I understand that ove 500 Manatees can gather in Crystal River. What I would like to know what is there daily habits. Many land grazers will feed right after dawn and take a nap in the shade in the afternoon then feed at dusk. I wonder if the Manatee have the same habits?
Kuroshio or Black Current similar to the Gulf Stream, is the reason that there is so much topical life when Okinawa lies north of the tropical cancer.

The warm, shallow coastal oceans, which nurture beautiful reefs and abundant sealife, are part of a delicate, well-balanced ecosystem that revolves araound a massive intercontinental flow of water called the Black Current, or Kuroshio. It is the Black Current's warmth and abundant supply of nutrient-rich plankton that make it so important to the people of Okinawa. Because the Kuroshio travels so close to the island (around 80 miles west of Okinawa and 19 miles off the coast of Kume Island), the residents have enjoyed the current's bounty for generations. For thousands of years, traders and travelers have used the current as a push northward. Fisherman have also enjoyed the Kuroshio's seemingly limitless fish population. Today, although thier numbers have noticeably thinned, the fish and sealife that live in these waters are still harvested by Okinawans as a way of life. On mainland Okinawa, this lifestyle is especially evident in the southern cities, northern hamlets and outlying islands.

This is why Okinawa is one of the Worlds best Dive sites as the warm waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Brunei seas combine with rich updwellings of plankton from the Japanese trench, and provide Okinawa with unquie rich habitat.

I have been looking at that destination for a while. I am interested in the sunken city. Can you tell me more about it?

I dived Okinawa when I was stationed with there with the Marines in 1981. Made lots of dives but don't remember all the neat stuff you've mentioned. I remember really neat wall dives and lots of sea snakes !!!!

I have been looking at that destination for a while. I am interested in the sunken city. Can you tell me more about it?



The suken city as you call it is located off the east coast of Yonaguni Island, which is just north of Taiwan.
You can find out more at...
Yonaguni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Morien Institute - the mysterious underwater pyramid structure at Yonaguni
Ancient Archaeology - List of remarkable archaeological finds


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I dived Okinawa when I was stationed with there with the Marines in 1981. Made lots of dives but don't remember all the neat stuff you've mentioned. I remember really neat wall dives and lots of sea snakes !!!!

I agree many Military Divers Dive the seawalls every weekend. There is nothing wrong with that as it is convient, easy, and cheap. I also spend a lot of time diving the seawalls but usually in the form as a divemaster supporting and instructor. When I dive for fun I love to get off the beaten path. I will do a boat dive, or drive to the far side of the island and try to find a new dive site. I use many publications both US and Japanese to find these dive sites. We dive for the adventure. Half the fun of shore diving is the adventure getting to the dive site. The dive shop I work for offers Dive and Drive where I can take you to these little known dive sites. My future plans include loading a bunch of tanks into my van and putting my van on the ferry and going to the outer islands for a weekend. If will cost me about $100 for the ferry ride. We will camp out on the white sand beach and be able to dive very remote locations.

Onna Village has some great wall dives. I like to do a shore drift dive. Using known current direction we enter at one point and drift in the current along the wall and exit out at a second point. We ground our gear on shore and I walk up and pick up the car and move to the second point to pick our gear.

We do have sea snakes and they will get any new divers heart pumping! Sea Snakes are pretty harmless especially if you are wearing a full wet suit. Last weekend I dove off the seawall with a large school of Baracuda (1000's) circling around with in a few feet of me, and that was a real National Geographic Momement right off the sea wall.

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