Wow -- my worst uncontrolled ascent was only from 70', but that was scary enough! Yes, you do need to know how to avoid feet-first ascents, but my point was simply to say that there is no position you CAN'T assume in a dry suit -- you just have to know how to manage the air in the suit. There is a learning curve.
Good Lord! Nice to know that there is someone (who was) worse than me!
Couple comments here from your friendly OP:
We have dived dry about 12 dives (~6 occasions). We use rentals and get mostly the same thing every time -- there's not much choice in DS rentals. Hepcat pointed out to me that the Whites Fusions we rent are kind of like big trash bags with an outside skin. One of the problems I have is a fairly large air pocket mostly around my middle. Every time I roll, this big air pocket ZINGS to a new position. I am tall (so I need a XXL) but not that fat, so there is extra air space. And there's alot of air being vented from the thing, seems like continuously unless I keep my left arm down which is another PITA.
The surf was indeed low that day, March 2. We fell anyway, partly due to the unexpected incline in the sand, partly due to not getting our fins off in time, and partly due to the surf. And alot of it due to carrying, what 60 lbs of weight? That's never easy for us, even for me, and my regular exercise is carrying a 35 - 45 lbs. backpack up and down 2,000 stairs. I was never a super-strong guy, and even if I were, Emily is not. So we have to decide that we want to dive and struggle with the weight, or not. Her knees are a looming issue. When one of those goes out -- we're done diving, and least for quite a while. When we boat dive, we ask the crew to take her BCD before she goes up the ladder. I wish I could figure out how much weight we'd lose from our backs if we changed equipment -- but every time I ask I get so confused!
Some folks have said they dive in pea soup. Well, not us.

I need to see my damn buddy! She she needs me to see her. Neither of us are comfortable if we cannot see one another. I'd say 10 feet is about our lower limit.
So...we need low surf *and* good viz! We probably should have thumbed the dive when we arrived and saw the viz. But lots of other people were diving so we thought it would be OK -- lesson learned.
Thanks to many of you that offered help -- we will be taking advantage of some of that!!
- Bill