Clear Springs

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Gee, thanx Tom. Ya couldn't just say you had plans already. Nooooo, ya gotta dig the knife in a little deeper. Going fly fishing , a beautiful baby AND a wife who digs diving!? I'm supposed to believe all this?
Oh, is this going to turn into a thread on the virtues of our respective wives?

Texass, my wife is actually the reason we started diving, instead of just saying "Gee, I'd like to do that someday". She finally asked one day "So, have you called anyone about classes?".

Mike, Tom: You guys mind if I invite my dad and younger brother? They will have finished certifying after this weekend and would appreciate the trip...
I don't have a problem with the newly certified folks, but make sure they understand that we are diving in an unknown area (as in we don't know what's where in the water) and to expect the depth and thermoclines. Also, I don't think there are a lot of objects in the water yet for us to explore, so there might be a fair bit of finning at depth without anything interesting coming into view.

But since the best way to get experience in this sport is to dive, I'm fine with having them along. Will this be their first o/w dive outside of class? Regardless, I'd think it would be smart for one of the more experienced divers (You, me, or Tom) to double check their gear both before they get into the water and after we reach a platform

Lessee...that makes 8 people on the roster. Check below and see if I forgot anyone.
Tom & Michelle
Corsair (BJ) & Lynnette
Corsair's Dad & Brother

It will probably be smart to conduct a short briefing before we dive to ensure that we have something of a plan (dive as a large group, or split up?) and everyone is on the same page when it comes to hand signals. And at that time we can get buddy pairs together.

If we dive in group, it might be a good idea for us to descend on one of the platforms, wait for everyone to get together, and then do another gear check before heading off to explore. This way if there is a problem, we can take care of it early. And it will help your new divers get settled.

Oh, if you have a slate, bring it. I'm going to practice my u/w nav and mapping, and it would be nice to have someone double check me.

Finally, be sure to bring some sort of sunshade if you have one. I don't know how much trees are there, but we can bet on it being sunny and [red]HOT[/red].

If you think of anything we need to cover before we go (Safety and otherwise) let's be sure to discuss it. And if any of the other board regulars (KN,WD,LY,DD,LD,Mario,etc) want to chime in with input, please do.
Sounds cool! There's a couple of us that might want to tag along also - all from Decatur/Wise County area (we all work for the Sheriff). We were looking for someplace to go next weekend! Some of the guys just got OW last month, but most of them have been diving a couple of times a week already.

I'm sure they would like to go somewhere where we can actually see something past 3 feet!
Talked to Bruce at my LDS - Tuckers Dive shop - and he told me Terrell bought a compressor from Mr. Tucker. They'll be using a mobil unit until the new one arrives. This just keeps getting better!!!

BTW for the newer divers, 60 degree water isn't chilly, it's flat out cold! A shorty or a 2 mil suit aren't enough protection. A 5 or 7 mil should be plenty. Personnaly I'm going with a Trilam & 2 - 2 mil suits (about 5-6 mil equivalent) and I'm bringing a 3/2 shorty just in case. I'd recommend gloves as well. If you don't have a pair, Walmart sells 5 mil neoprene gloves for about $5 in the fishing section. Don't let the cold scare ya off though. The vis is usually good and who can complain about being cold in July in Texas?! Experience it all! many is a "couple of us"? Just trying to keep tabs with how many folks are going.

I had dinner with Tom & Michelle tonight and we were (happily) discussing how our little scouting trip has turned out to be a full expddition. Maybe we need to apply for coporate sponsorship.......

Regarding the colder water....Like Texass said, 60-degree water can be a noticable change when used to swimming in 76-80 degree water, and if we are at that depth for long enough, you will start feeling chilled. So be sure to wear an enough of a wetsuit to be comfortable at depth.

One thing to bring (or go purchase from your LDS) that can help is something to cover your head, such as a beanie or a full hood. If you remember your cold weather horse sense, your body loses a lot of heat out the top of your head, so wearing something will help with heat retention. Plus these hoods/beanies will cover your ears and help keep you feel warmer. Beanies are my choice since they can be easily put on underwater and cost $25-35 (depending on brand and your LDS).

Remember, the warmer you are, the less air you will consume.

And the gloves that Texass mentioned from Walmart are actually 1.5 mil and are just fine for Texas and warm water diving. If you can't find them near the fishing rods, ask the clerk for the "water skiing" gloves.

Randy.... I don't mind if you join us. We are at 8 now. A few more won't make much difference.

I still plan on bringing 2 tanks. I still feel there is no guarentee that the air will be there next weekend. I may stop by my LDS and see this week though. If I find out for sure I'll post it.

I doubt there are many trees there. Knowing this area... trees tend to be few and far between. So please if someone has sun shade speak up and bring it.

Cold H2O... I'll be in my 6mil shortie and hood... I hate diving with gloves. I'm bringing a camera so we can shoot some pics to memorialize this event.

Texass... It took me awhile to convince michelle that diving was fun. Shes been offshore once. I hunt, fish, and scuba dive when I can.

I just realized paradise... 500 acres.... with two or three spring fed ponds stocked with fish. A decent heard of deer and my own air fill station. Hunting, fishing and diving all in my own back yard

Mike - no more than three total (including me).

Sounds cold, sounds like time for my 5 mil and hood! I'll let you know for sure tomorrow evening. Is the meet location still good for breakfast?
Thanks for the invite Mike, but alas, prior family committment must come first.

Promised the wife to take her and the kids to the Celebrate Freedom concert out at Southfork Ranch that day.

Definitely count me in on the next trip.

BLTN.... We'll miss ya dude but family should always come first. Hope you can make it another time.

Some ideas on what else to bring other than dive gear....

Water...its gonna be hot top side
Food... I always get hungry diving
Sun screen
Chairs..... beats sitting on the dirt

Come with an idea of something you want or need to work on. Michael and I both are gonna work on proper weighting for neutral boyancy at a safety stop. And he wants to work on U/W nav.

Breakfast at Golden corrall is still on. 8am

See yall there....


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