Christian Divers in Fort Lauderdale?

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I think there is nothing wrong with the first post, but I have issues with some of the replies. Some of the comments made here are most inappropriate.

I am sorry but I disagree. I found the first post to be offensive. Vanshook seems like a nice guy, and I am sure that was not his intent but the post seems to imply that non-christian divers need not apply. That they are not good enough to dive with. If you make a post like that I think you should expect some flack. I thought the responses where really pretty tame. (Try making that same post over on Spearboard for example :wink: ) If you want to meet fellow Christians do it in church. This is a dive forum.

I enjoy diing with christian divers, as well as jewish, muslim, hindu, shinto, agnostic, atheist, etc. I only care that they are good divers.

I agree with this statement. I enjoy diving with divers of all religions especially when they keep their religious prejudices to themselves.
Nothing wrong with the first post in my opinion. No different than somebody looking for fellow black/ gay/jewish/martian divers. Only thing I see is that Vanshook has limited himself and his wife from a large group of diverse divers who share the same passion-diving. Heck, down below we are all the same. Heck, on the surface we are all the same. To each their own.

If I were to limit myself to only a select group, I would have missed out on some really dear friendships, a lot of dives, and only a few I could call "My buddy." I can't imagine how many fewer memories I would have with the Conchs.
I'm going to make a ScubaBoard speedo... yawl game for me to wear it around OceanFest?

If I were to limit myself to only a select group, I would have missed out on some really dear friendships, a lot of dives, and only a few I could call "My buddy." I can't imagine how many fewer memories I would have with the Conchs.

I'm glad you were so open and inviting to my wife and I.. after our transgender exchages to better fit our personalities we were worried about acceptance, but you've helped us past that. :)
Strange how some subjects have become taboo. It is really a shame that all the “open-minded” get really defensive the minute someone else wants to express themselves and dive with whomever they like. For someone to be offended by me asking about any Christian groups in the area and then claim to be “open-minded” is quite confusing to me.

I am not bashing anyone’s sex, religion, ethnicity, or anything else. I am simply asking a question. What is the difference if I prefer to do Tech dives and want to find other tech divers in the area? Am I “discriminating” against the other “normal” divers? Would you be offended because I am a Tech Diver?

Just because I used the word Christian everyone gets all upset. So what if I prefer to dive and/or spend time with Christians. If you don’t, do the same as you would when you read any other post you are not interested in and move on. There is no need to bash me for asking a simple question.

Would you flame a paraplegic for wanting to find others like them to dive with? How about “womens” dives; one of the local charters organize these periodically. Maybe we should make some signs and picket against that too!

Relax, I love all people (including heathens, black, white, male, female, my dog…); I just rather spend quality time (diving) time with whom I choose. Don’t judge me for that, I’m not judging you.
Dang boat divers why are you always trying to exclude those off us who are shore divers. You're right van* was very offensive in that first post. That's it Married boat diving christians are off my list of dive buddies. Hey wait you have a boat? Are Catholics OK?
Dang boat divers why are you always trying to exclude those off us who are shore divers. You're right van* was very offensive in that first post. That's it Married boat diving christians are off my list of dive buddies. Hey wait you have a boat? Are Catholics OK?

ROFL, you know what they say-the best friend to have is one with a boat...
I am not bashing anyone’s sex, religion, ethnicity, or anything else. I am simply asking a question. What is the difference if I prefer to do Tech dives and want to find other tech divers in the area? Am I “discriminating” against the other “normal” divers? Would you be offended because I am a Tech Diver?...

Would you flame a paraplegic for wanting to find others like them to dive with? How about “womens” dives; one of the local charters organize these periodically. Maybe we should make some signs and picket against that too!

I just rather spend quality time (diving) time with whom I choose. Don’t judge me for that, I’m not judging you.

I really don't want to get into a big debate here, Van. And I certainly wouldn't waste my time picketing about it. I just wanted to try to show you why some might find your post a little offensive.

The difference is if I advertise for tech divers it is because of the type of diving I would be doing, depth, duration, gasses used etc. Not the same as as ones religious beliefs at all. Apples and oranges.

Being a paraplegic or a woman is not a belief either.

No of course you are not judging anyone :rolleyes: . You have just made up you mind that you don't want to spend quality time diving with anyone who is not a Christian.

I don't object to your choosing who you dive with only the way you chose to do it. If you choose to exclude all non-christians from your circle of dive freinds that is your loss.
By the way, if you are assuming that since I have objected to this that I am of a non-christian religion you would be wrong. I also have my own boat (open to all religious beliefs) :wink:
My wife and I are relatively new to the area and are looking for some Christian Dive buddies. We dive mainly from our own boat and would like to share the experience with some other believers.

Does anyone know of any Christian diver's club in the area or local church with such a club?

You will find many good friends here. I feel extremely lucky to have met the people that I have. I can also appreciate the awkwardness of your question.

At one point in my life I had to ask if there was a Negro whatever. Long after I didn't it was still comfortable to ask because I knew there was a "set" crowd somewhere.

I came to see that I was limiting myself. Its not always comfortable but there is synergy in diversity.

You will find all kinds of divers here.

But of all the things they are they are great wholesome people.

Welcome. :wink:
You will find many good friends here. I feel extremely lucky to have met the people that I have. I can also appreciate the awkwardness of your question.

At one point in my life I had to ask if there was a Negro whatever. Long after I didn't it was still comfortable to ask because I knew there was a "set" crowd somewhere.

I came to see that I was limiting myself. Its not always comfortable but there is synergy in diversity.

You will find all kinds of divers here.

But of all the things they are they are great wholesome people.

Welcome. :wink:
Hey Man, we love ya too!
(Big Sage is my Teddy Bear! Gives good hugs! :hug: )
We gonna see ya this weekend?

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