So correct me if I'm wrong, it sounds like the diver completely bailed from the CCR as the report states "no reg in mouth" "attempts to put reg back in mouth and purge". Can you go back to the loop once it has been removed?
It sounds like one of two things was the cause of this accident.
1) The diver experienced a malfunction/failure of the unit.
2) The diver made an error while preparing the unit.
Does that sound right?
And for those of us that don't have first hand knowledge of CCR's (but are interested), hypothetically speaking and given what we know, is hypercapnia the most logical explanation for the cause of death?
I realize this is a very serious condition? Other than bailing out, what else can a diver do to survive? I know full face masks aren't very popular (expensive), but could using one, especially one that allows swapping regs, make a difference? For example, could you swap the loop for an OC reg and even if you pass out from co2 atleast you wouldn't drown.
If these are silly question, please forgive my ignorance about CCR's. While I have a little knowledge about how they operate I obviously don't know all there is to know.
Answers in no particular order:
Yes, the diver bailed out to OC and was on OC when the instructor came upon him. I don't think anyone has indicated when he bailed to OC or how long he was on OC before the instructor found him. Anything else is speculation.
WHY he bailed to OC is also speculation, but the preliminary inspection of the Rebreather by the recovery team did not disclose any faults with the rebreather. Generally speaking the advice is to bail out to OC if you "feel funny", and as Mel Clark states in her rebreather books, "if you feel funny you might be about to die". In short, you bail out if there is any doubt, get a couple sanity breaths and then diagnose if there is a problem.
Depending on the problem you encounter on CC, you can often solve the problem and go back on the loop, and that's the focus of technical rebreather training, or you can just stay on OC and end the dive on OC - which is the focus of recreational rebreather training.
Many problems are caused by user error in the assemble or pre-dive check procedures, such as the diver improperly packing a scrubber, or failing to properly perform positive and negative pressure checks, leading to a leak, but things also go wrong during the dive. There are indicators that can be observed and cross checks made while diving to detect problems, but it requires the diver to pay attention to the unit during the dive. For example sensors may fail or give incorrect readings (they may get wet, or be old and current limited, etc), electronic connections may fail, and valves and solenoids may fail closed (not supplying O2 to the loop) or fail open (supplying too much O2 to the loop). Those faults will usually be detected by the readings on the HUD and/or handset, through readings that are inconsistent, or don't make sense, particularly after flushing the loop with diluent.
The diver can also lose the DSV or BOV (a DSV with a built in bailout regulator) and flood the loop, but most units have decent water trapping ability and prompt action can limit it to a partial flood that can be cleared, and provided the scrubber is not affected, the loop can be de-watered and the diver can go back on the loop. In the extreme, the unit can completely flood and be very negative in the water.
Full face masks are a mixed bag. On the one hand it ensures the loop or OC bailout reg stays attached to the diver's airway, but in some circumstances that's a bad thing as it can increase the time and complexity of bailing out to OC.
A BOV offers similar pros and cons over a DSV (which just allows you to close the loop any time it is out of your mouth to prevent flooding the loop). On the one hand, bailing out is as simple as pulling a lever to close the loop and activate the OC reg, but on the other hand, unless you've got off board bailout, the rebreathers on-board bailout gas (the diluent) is very limited, so it's only a temporary solution before you'd have to bailout to off board gas, and if the reason for the bailout is caustic in the loop, it will also affect the OC bailout reg incorporated in the BOV.
Passing out from CO2 isn't your first response. Elevated CO2 levels will first cause a significant increase in respiration rate and once you get too far into that territory, the high CO2 and rapid breathing (which results in very inefficient exchange of O2 and CO2 in the lungs) will cause the diver to breath his bailout gas at alarming rates, several times higher than normal, and the condition may persist for the remainder of the dive (or the gas supply). My take away over the years is that divers who have had a CO2 hit on a rebreather, carry a lot more bailout gas than divers who have not and I've heard it said that you can identify CCR divers who have CO2 hit by the large amount of bailout gas they carry.
Fortunately, a CO2 hit is one of the more preventable failures, by paying close attention to scrubber packing and scrubber duration (which is reduced in cold water, and in higher workload conditions), not over breathing the loop in high workload conditions (the scrubber needs a certain minimum dwell time to scrub the gas) and by ensuring the mushroom valves that direct the flow through the loop are functioning and are in good condition.
It takes 5 seconds to learn the HUD green is good red is high yellow is low
That's very unit and or electronics specific.
For the purposes of CuzzA's post/questions, our HUDs for example display amber at a PO2 of 1.0, flash green once for every .1 over 1.0, and flash red once for every .1 under 1.0. So for example in air at the surface at a PO2 of .21, I'll see 8 red flashes - and that's actually still a breathable loop, but well below the minimum I'd recommend. At the other end at a PO2 of 1.8 I'll get eight green flashes and despite the green color, that'll kill me a lot faster than 8 red flashes.
The HUD itself just gives you a constant method of monitoring the loop in the 3-4 minute intervals between the times you should be looking at the hand set to read the sensors and other information displayed there.