carrying computers on board

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It is possible that it did get damaged. When I used it on my first dive after returning it was not functioning, the air PSI became stuck at 4900 when I reached depth. After returning to the boat my LDS owner/instructor who sold me the computer looked it over. He opened the battery compartment to find it had ruptured and was unable to clean it and get it working again. I have had to send it off to Aeris. I am not 100% convinced that this was not due to the flying in cargo hold. Also, as I have pmd Natasha, this was not an airline ruling, it was airport security that refused to even let me up to the check in counter at AeroMexico until I put it in my luggage. They were very rude and I believe would have confiscated my regulator and computer had I not put it in luggage.
1. Newhampster, Duly noted! That's why I started this thread. I couldn't believe an airline or country could be so anal retentive, but I guess in deed they can.

2. seaangel, I do believe that checking your computer is the reason that it got damaged. I wonder if taking the batteries out would solve the problem. But, that would cause you to lose your dive history. I didn't know Mexico was doing this as well. I was thinking about going to Cozumel in the fall, but I'll have to rethink that now. Maybe Dee has some input. She goes there often I think. What about it Dee?

3. What do they think a person is going to do with batteries anyway?

4. My mind's made up. I won't be going to Aruba.

I just hope this isn't a trend everyone is going to follow. I think the dive industry should pull together and do something to save their tourist trade by making sure we can carry our equipment wherever we go.
I checked with the LDS to see if there was any word on my computer yet and there is not. They say it is possible it could have been from being in checked luggage, but won't know for sure what the cause of failure was until Aeris sends it back. As it was less than one year old, I may get a new computer back. But they will ask the tech dept. for a report.

I am planning a trip with the LDS to Cozumel in July, and I hope to find out ahead of time if this is going to be a problem again. I may contact Dive Paradise to see what they know.
Hi Y'all-
I was in Cozumel for a week in Feb during Carnevale and had no probs with Aeromexico &/or Delta as far as taking my computer onboard in my carryon. As a matter of fact. I carried EVERYTHING on- BC, fins, mask, reg, etc. and all my topside stuff. That's one of the great things about warm water dive trips- all you need is a pair of shorts and a t-shirt or 2 and you're good to go! :rainbow:

And guess what else? My left foot was run over by a drunken reveler on a scooter during the Carneval parade one night, and a lot of the big toe was sorta kinda...well, it wasn't pretty and it hurt like hell. The gate agent at Aeromexico took pity on me on my return flight and upgraded me to first! It was nice, but there's gotta be an easier way to get an upgrade! See ya...
Well, what can I say. That Cozumel is a dangerous place.

We went their on our honeymoon, and my dear hubby and I were riding on one of those little Honda Express things. He ran off the road, and ran me into one of those concrete posts they have along the road. OUCH! :razafraz:

Broke my kneecap in two pieces. Last Day, walked on it on, off, on, off planes, thru customs, all the way home.

Emergency room said NOT BROKEN! :fury:

Walked around on it 'till it grew back wrong. Had piece of kneecap removed in second surgery, 'cause the first surgery didn't help.

It's never been less than painful since, and that's the one I have osteonecrosis in now. 21 years of PAIN! and counting.;-0

Yep, that Cozumel is a BAD Place.

But I sure am glad you could get on the plane with your stuff. Who knows...I may go back there now that I can dive.
FastDen I know the airlines had no problem with allowing me on board with my regulator and computer. It was the AIRPORT SECURIY they were at tables in front of the ticket counter, I could not even get to the airline agents to see if I could carry my gear on board. By the way we were there the week after you in Feb.

My LDS is making a trip to Coz in July. We were told by the trip agent that to plan on this happening again on the way out. He also recommended that we may have to pay extra for the dive gear and to keep the weight at only 44lbs. Several of my friends are upset as they always carry spare gear and parts which will bring up the weight and costs. The agent said that no amount of pleading or argument will change things. Nonetheless I am going.
I will be leaving for Aruba on Friday. As far as Aruba Airport Sercurity is concerned, I've been told that they are concerned with loose batteries. I always pack my computer in my carry-on but anything loose goes into my checked in luggage (just don't want to haul that extra weight around). I'll let you all know what happens (good or bad) when I get back. :jester:
Were you riding a moped in Cozumel??

Those mopeds in Cozumel are the greatest death trap known to man!!!!!!

I tell people going to Cozumel: Don't ride a moped-you probably won't get hurt-you WILL DIE!!

I would also recommend insurance that would have you air lifted out of Mexico-or any other 3 world country(hate to call Mexico third world but it is in the health care department)if you have a major injury.
Originally posted by Natasha
I just called American Airline's International desk today. You can take a lap top out of the US in your carry on, but leaving Aruba you have to have it packed in your luggage. You can't have any electronic items in your carry ons leaving Aruba. It's their rule not ours. They also for awhile demanded passports and not just birth certificates to go there.
I also checked Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Curacao, Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Trinidad, Columbia, Tobago, and US Virgin Islands, it's OK to have lap tops and dive computers in your carry ons. Mexico you can carry a lap top out, but not a hair dryer or a curling iron now.
Hope that helped.

I went to Guam, then Truk (Chuuk) back in march on continental, and had no problems with my laptop, dive computers or cameras..
In NY continental sucked they charged me $80 plus tax for dive gear, I wasn't charged at either Guam or truk..I had to check in at ny-LGA, guam, and truk... I did have to turn on my camera, cell phone and laptop, but nothing with the dive computers..
Originally posted by seaangel
It is possible that it did get damaged. When I used it on my first dive after returning it was not functioning, the air PSI became stuck at 4900 when I reached depth. After returning to the boat my LDS owner/instructor who sold me the computer looked it over. He opened the battery compartment to find it had ruptured and was unable to clean it and get it working again. I have had to send it off to Aeris. I am not 100% convinced that this was not due to the flying in cargo hold. Also, as I have pmd Natasha, this was not an airline ruling, it was airport security that refused to even let me up to the check in counter at AeroMexico until I put it in my luggage. They were very rude and I believe would have confiscated my regulator and computer had I not put it in luggage.

If you are concerned about damage and want to check your computer , just put your computers in a small pelican case.. they are solid and airtight.. My Abysmal Explorer came with a case and the manual tells you to always pack the computer in case when flying.. I understand the reason.. some transducers can be damaged by air leakage, they are fine for pressure by liquid but gas outside a certain design range can damage SOME sensors..

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