Saw their boat out a few times this season, but never dove with them myself. Did anyone from the boards get in on any of their trips? Would love to read some reports.
Here's a previous trip report I posted;
On May 28th and 29th, the MWDC chartered the boat from The Dive Locker in Hyannis, MA to dive the Aransas, which rests in 55 fsw near Monomoy Island in Chatham, MA. The Aransas was sunk in 1905 after colliding with a string of barges. She was carrying a cargo of scrap brass. For more information on this wreck, I recommend reading Don Ferriss book Exploring the Waters of Cape Cod, or visiting
On both days visibility was about 15 to 20, temperature 48 degrees. There is not much relief to the Aransas as it was dynamited by salvage crews during the recovery of her cargo. Hull plates sit off in the sand, and there is not much left to the bow. You will need a wreck reel to visit this area. The main relief is the boilers and engines, and the propeller shafts are visible running back to the stern.
Our group focused their efforts on digging for brass in the area forward of the boilers. We found items such as silverware (mostly spoons, but there were two forks and one ladle), a cigarette case with two cherubs on the top (a real nice find), jewelry tray, pepper shaker, candlestick holder, handle off of a cane, and many parts to brass lamps. The finds were pretty cool and everyone had a great time. Attached are some of the pictures.
The Dive Lockers website is The Dive Locker runs charters on a 2006 25 Parker with Twin 150 HP Yamaha 4-stroke engines. Having dived off the boat several times, it is fast, stable, and has an easy ladder. The crew is very experienced, helpful and friendly.