Canadian SCUBA associations?

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Thank you gentleman. Will try go with UTD as planned... Barely can imagine myself teaching PADI - my brain is too DIR-damaged :)

Unfortunately if you want even half a chance at making a living in recreational scuba you'll need to go PADI. It may be ugly but it is the reality.
I agree with Nadwidny

I managed to get funding a couple years back to go the PADI way and one of the primary criterea they required was the establishment of a market for the accreditation you seek. Unless the Association you prefer can give you a verifiable pool of job openings, it may be difficult to establish the need for your training. Next you are likely going to have to find an accredited postsecondary institution where your course is offered. There were courses offered through Capilano College and Diving Dynamics in Kelowna when I did my research. Look VERY carefully into the offerings and the fine print associated therewith. VERY carefully. Finally, when I took my application to Service Canada (program now a provincial one) the yea/nay person admonished the counselor I was working with never to try to get funding for this line again. IIRC she was disenchanted with the international flavour of ALL the job openings I presented as part of my application :D I really tried hard not to include too many lovely destinations, but it was just tooo tempting.

PM me if you want any more info
The Association of Canadian Underwater Councils (ACUC, now ACUC International) was an association of all the provincial diving councils (a collection of diving club members), but things changed (covered in a link on previous posting). Provincial councils still exist in some provinces, but aren't anywhere as strong as they once were, when they were responsible for certification before the creation of ACUC.

CMAS (the World Underwater Federation) has a branch in Quebec and has been accepted by the government there to meet their diver licensing requirements. They are in the process of expansion to other parts of Canada and have opened an office in the U.S. (CMAS Americas).
...a verifiable pool of job openings, it may be difficult to establish the need for your training. ....
....IIRC she was disenchanted with the international flavour of ALL the job openings I presented as part of my application :D I really tried hard not to include too many lovely destinations, but it was just tooo tempting.

I would like to get funding for an instructor's course and then run my own scuba related business here in BC... maybe it will be a bit easier to proof them... we will see soon.
Unfortunately if you want even half a chance at making a living in recreational scuba you'll need to go PADI. It may be ugly but it is the reality.

Without any doubts PADI is very famous all around the world. However, you would never have any issues, if come to a resort or liveaboard with a recreational diver's certificate issued by one of technical diving association.

But the most important point - (potential) students should be explained that recreational courses from a technical diving schools, makes their diving MUCH safer and therefore much more enjoyable. It's specially right if diving in harsh conditions, similar to the local.

IMHO, and as I have observed as a PADI trained pro with some, but not much, technical training and experience, one thing you have to keep in mind is that for the VAST majority of scuba instruction endeavors, technical courses represent but a small fraction of the fish pond. I, like you, once thought that I wanted to go tec, teach tec and increase my credibility and sale ability by becoming a tec instructor. The truth I have found in a couple years since has painted a slightly different picture.

First of all if you want to eat, (and not have 2 other jobs on the side) you are going to teach rec divers.

Secondly, Put Another Doller In has done just that... there is no other organization who compares to PADI as far as brand recognition. 18 months ago while teaching/guiding in the Caribbean, I had a diver come up to my counter and ask how long it would take him to get his PADI card since as all he had was XXX (another RSTC recognized agency). Granted that was just a lack of knowledge mostly due to him being only 50% 'there', but it proves that even the unwashed know of PADI and as such quite often they recognize and value PADI without you or your staff having to qualify and pre sell

Thirdly, practice makes perfect. Every class you teach as a new instructor gives you credibility and comfort in your abilities as a teacher. By teaching the PADI courses, you will, whether your tec side wants to admit it or not, better you as an instructor. The teaching experience you gain as a new instructor will go towards your abilities to relate to and imbue knowledge unto all different types of student. While the diving skills may not transfer from one to the other, the prowess as an instructor will.

Fourthly, you are not typically going to have experienced divers (tec course potential students) come into your new shop unless you have something bigger better badder to offer them. In the local markets it is quite common for a diver to ally him or herself with a LDS. TYPICALLY that is their first shop, where they took Open Water, until said shop says or does something either through stupidity or omission to loose the diver as a client. Yes there is something to be said for luring in the technically inclined diver from strictly rec shops... but then you still have to distinguish yourself/your shop from the myriad of other established LDS' who have a technical presence but also have established credibility. If you can catch 'em while they still think all divers use pure Oxygen in their 'bottles', you stand a better chance of certifying them to use that pure O2 for deco later...

DO NOT LET ME DISCOURAGE YOU OUT OF HAND, just make sure you have done enough due diligence that your disillusions and idealistic inclinations pass the scrutiny of reality. I know I was where you now are about 2 years ago, and if I knew then what I know now, I might have looked a bit harder to find some thing more lucrative to study that would allow me to afford to travel and keep my diving as a pure unadulterated hobby.

I wish you all the best in your quest, but keep in mind that if you see a pool of blood around a pile of dead corpses at the foot of a brick wall, do not assume that you can necessarily run through that wall unless you are doing something different than the others before you tried. :banghead:

Before everyone who thinks otherwise jumps on me for my wildly inaccurate information, let me pre-empt them with this one wee little disclaimer:
These are just my opinions…

…and no matter how stupid I may sound or wrong I may be, I am human and thus entitled to my opinions :p
I know what you talking about regarding PADI. In my country, many people still saying "to xerox documents" instead of "to copy documents", just because the very first electronic copy machines were brought to the country by Xerox... :)

tregrrr, that's OK - I will go slowly... I dive only since 2000, but traveled a lot around the world for scuba diving (and not only) and seen many things. I hope that I have some ideas that could differentiate my business from others... The time will show were there good ones or not.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and opinion!
...that's OK - I will go slowly... I dive only since 2000...

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and opinion!

Hey dont get me wrong.... I am still a new instructor!! I have had the curse?? of having the ear of a very very experienced instructor friend... one who wouldn't let me do anymore than fill tanks if I were to work for his shop because I have only been teaching for a short while...

I have only been certified since 2007... three years coming up in 2 weeks
Thank you gentleman. Will try go with UTD as planned... Barely can imagine myself teaching PADI - my brain is too DIR-damaged :)

You would need a ton of beer to flush the "Kool-Aid" out. :D
Good Luck

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