Can you still buy Cipro in Coz w/o seeing a dr there?

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Hey A :)

All antibiotics now require a prescription, so that would include Cipro. If you have a problem, you can always call Dr.Piccolo - but I have to question why your Dr. prescribed Cipro for stomach issues. I am not a Dr. but that's never been the antibiotic I've seen prescribed by any Dr. for that. I do know that Cipro is becoming (if not already) one of those highly over prescribed and over used antibiotics.

Maybe one of the Dr.'s around here can chime in :)
You can buy most drugs at the farmacia without a script.

Not true - all antibiotics AND narcotics require a prescription here now and they ARE enforcing this law.
I rarely use antibiotics of any kind. Don't want to kill off my "native" populations.

I did use Cipro once. I got a prescription for it when I planned a three month dive trip throughout the North and South Pacific. The only time I used it was on Fiji when a rental fin at Jean-Michel's resort cut into my foot and I developed a bad infection. Cipro knocked it out in two days. Pretty powerful stuff. Haven't used it in the 10 years since then though.
As stated, the majority of traveler's diarrhea is self-limited, and better treated with symptomatic relief. Pepto-Bismol, in high doses, binds the toxin secreted by one of the more common etiologic agents. However, there ARE bacterial pathogens that are more serious (salmonella, shigella, campylobacter) some of which aren't reliably sensitive to sulfa any more. An illness lasting more than 48 hours, or associated with fever, may be better treated with antibiotics. I have saved trips for several people by having Cipro and Phenergan with me. I have no problem with prescribing antibiotics for this purpose, so long as people are given good guidelines for when they are to be used.
As stated, the majority of traveler's diarrhea is self-limited, and better treated with symptomatic relief. Pepto-Bismol, in high doses, binds the toxin secreted by one of the more common etiologic agents. However, there ARE bacterial pathogens that are more serious (salmonella, shigella, campylobacter) some of which aren't reliably sensitive to sulfa any more. An illness lasting more than 48 hours, or associated with fever, may be better treated with antibiotics. I have saved trips for several people by having Cipro and Phenergan with me. I have no problem with prescribing antibiotics for this purpose, so long as people are given good guidelines for when they are to be used.
An MD saved J's dive once by giving her prednisone for ear inflamation. Fortunately he had the sense not to write her a prescription for the stuff.

The problem with "good guidelines" is that they're usually too vague for the average patient to follow correctly, hence the patient will err on the side of overmedicating "just in case". This is at least one reason why prescriptions are required for many medications. If we just trusted patients to rely on good guidelines, every drug would be OTC.

Give patients strong antibiotics to be used only the case of severe intestinal distress and many will take them the next time they have a cold.
Just be aware that if you take an antibiotic, which kills bacteria, it also kills the GOOD bacteria in your stomach/intestinal tract. So for an ounce of prevention and in case you go on an antibiotic, a steady supply of Acidopholous (sp?!) will really help your stomach out!!!!! It will replentish and fortify your body's naturaly occuring bacteria which can help keep the minor stomach issues away.

They also make it for kids in a flavored/powder packets that you can add to a drink if they cant swallow pills.
I was in Coz earlier this month. In the airport they had a 'drug store'. It has all kinds of meds including keflex, amoxicillin, pepcid, flonase. While I don't remember if they had cipro, they probably did. And you did not need a perscription, just money. I was facinated by all the drugs you could just buy there. I was half tempted to buy some keflex just because my family and I are prone to small skin infections, and a 5 day course always clears them up. But I did not have the money with me, and we were flying out.
Do they still sell Viagra OTC? :D
My home bud got some on our first trip there. Of course he paid the tourist price, not the locals price. I think it was cheaper in Texas. Online is cheapest if you find a reputable source. I have been quite pleased with one company and they have a dynamite price:

I got malaria prophylactic meds from another once. Threw them away when I saw the packaging.
I was in Coz earlier this month. In the airport they had a 'drug store'. It has all kinds of meds including keflex, amoxicillin, pepcid, flonase. While I don't remember if they had cipro, they probably did. And you did not need a perscription, just money. I was facinated by all the drugs you could just buy there. I was half tempted to buy some keflex just because my family and I are prone to small skin infections, and a 5 day course always clears them up. But I did not have the money with me, and we were flying out.
I've smuggled amoxicillin home, but it is a risk to bring any meds back. Is this a good price? Buy Generic Keflex
The OP states in the first post that she already got the limit from her home doctor (6).

Well excuse me. Six is not the legal limit of Cipro as outlined in first post. Six cipro is a 3 day supply (twice daily for three days is usual treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infection.)

And we have since learned from a SB member that rx is required now for all meds. If you get sick, see a doctor down there. It is dangerous to self-prescribe.

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