Can I get MK25/R190 combo?

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My husband and I are buying regs next week, and our LDS only has the R190 combo in combo with the MK2. DB feels the MK25 would be a better first stage for us, but I haven't seen this combo online and our LDS didn't mention it. (They're closed until Monday.)

We're warm water wimps, to about 100ft. Our upcoming dives are in Asia, which is why I want to go with Scubapro. Any advice appreciated.

Check out - you can probably put together just about any combination you want there. They do sell the MK25 separately, as well as with R390 (similar to R190 as it's unbalanced) as an alternative, and their current price on the MK16 is quite a deal (around $100 US).

If you wanted to buy a MK25/X650 combination from, I'd make a deal with you for the X650 . . . send me a PM if interested.

But why would you want an unbalanced second stage if you're investing in a good balanced first stage? The S550 should be considered if you don't want adjustable breathing resistance.
My husband and I are buying regs next week, and our LDS only has the R190 combo in combo with the MK2. DB feels the MK25 would be a better first stage for us, but I haven't seen this combo online and our LDS didn't mention it. (They're closed until Monday.)

We're warm water wimps, to about 100ft. Our upcoming dives are in Asia, which is why I want to go with Scubapro. Any advice appreciated.

It's easy enough to pair a 190 to the MK25. A SP dealer can order the stages seperately then put them together for you.

I would take a look at the MK25 or MK16 S550. It's a simplified version of Scubapro's balanced secondstage (no adjustment knob) and it goes for a pretty good price.
Any ScubaPro dealer should be able to order that configuration. The R190 makes a good backup reg, but I wouldn't use it as a primary. Get something that will breath better like a G250HP for the primary. It's worth the extra money.
This time I agree completly with Electric Zombie. The 250 or 500 would be a better pick for second stage with the mk25. There is a rebate with SP right now as well.

The R190 is a decent reg. Your LDS probably has a bunch of MK2 -R190 combos in the rental fleet. But pairing a Mk25 with the R190 would be a waste of money. Why would you want ot pair up the top of the line 1st stage with the bottom of the line second?

Split the difference and get the Mk16-R380 (or 390). That was the first reg set I bought and I still use it on my pony tank. I upgraded my primary reg to the Mk18-G250 and it is a MUCH better breathing regulator set.

This is just my opinion....YMMV
Well, now I'm even more confused. I guess we'll go with the MK2/R190 or upgrade both ends of the equation. I'm just not convinced that the cheapest (in this case) solution won't work just fine for us. We're new divers, so we aren't spoiled (yet) by high-end regs. If it delivers air and it doesn't fail, I'm inclined to be happy.

Plus, ANYTHING will be an improvement over the rental gear we had in Bonaire - no less than FIVE faults (blown hoses, etc) on three regs from the HV dive shop. Fortunately we found out at the surface, instead of 90' down where we planned to dive.
Well, now I'm even more confused. I guess we'll go with the MK2/R190 or upgrade both ends of the equation. I'm just not convinced that the cheapest (in this case) solution won't work just fine for us. We're new divers, so we aren't spoiled (yet) by high-end regs. If it delivers air and it doesn't fail, I'm inclined to be happy.

Plus, ANYTHING will be an improvement over the rental gear we had in Bonaire - no less than FIVE faults (blown hoses, etc) on three regs from the HV dive shop. Fortunately we found out at the surface, instead of 90' down where we planned to dive.
Take a good look at the MK16 or Mk25 S550 setups. All of Scubapro's balanced second stages (S550, G250 and S600) are internally the same with the X650 being the same poppet but with a different diapraghm and lever design. Any of the regs mentioned above will last you a lifetime.
Thanks, Chris. Will do. I decided to go with rental equipment this weekend in Fort Lauderdale, which will give us a month to research before Wakatobi.

This board is a treasure!
I'm just not convinced that the cheapest (in this case) solution won't work just fine for us. We're new divers, so we aren't spoiled (yet) by high-end regs. If it delivers air and it doesn't fail, I'm inclined to be happy.
Regs are one thing that you don't want to be cheap about. The extra cash you spend for a nicer reg will be worth it. If you take good care of a reg, it will pretty much last forever. Look at is as a long term investment towards your diving enjoyment.

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