Also, I'm noticing the general theme of steering away from Oceanic - would love to know people's thoughts as to why

Thanks so much for all the responses so far, I'm really appreciating it and I'm considering every suggestion!
I’ve noticed that as well, and not sure why. Some of it is probably a bit of bias toward another brand. I’d take a lot of that with a grain of salt. If it’s from past experience, it may not be relevant anymore, as ownership changed not long ago. If more recent, might be some merit, but could also be tied to some challenges related to the ownership change.
That said, if I were to buy a new regulator tomorrow, it would likely not be an Oceanic. Not really against Oceanic, there are just other brands I’d look at first.
Atomic, Hollis, Oceanpro, Zeagle are also stocked. Very small LDS that isn't open frequently at the moment (long story), so I'd have to pre-book an appointment to browse.
I’m not at all familiar with Oceanpro, so can’t comment on them.
Atomic, Hollis, Oceanic, and Zeagle are all (now) part of the same company.
Oceanic and Hollis always were as both were started by Bob Hollis (along with Pelagic Pressure Systems, but PPS is more focused on computers). Hollis brand was focused more toward tech divers, while Oceanic was geared more recreational, but most of that was marketing more than capabilities.
Atomic makes great gear. Started by a couple of ScubaPro Engineers. You can spend a ton of money on Atomics, but it isn’t required. All regs in their current lineup share just about everything other than materials. They all breathe the same.
Zeagle also makes great gear. Currently made in the same place as the Atomics. I have three sets of Zeagle regs in the family. Regs range in age from a few months to around 18 years old. All work great.
I regularly use both Atomic and Zeagle regulators. The only hesitancy I’d valve with recommending either of these would be service availability, but it sounds like you have a shop that can handle that.