The computer differentiates between decompression and other stops. Look at how the manual describes deco obligations.
Which of the two situations described below applied?
If the first are you saying the computer gave you a 10 minute safety stop?
Giotto is programmed to automatically signal a safety stop after each dive at a depth greater than 10 m, as recommended by the training centres and the most recent studies on diving physiology. This stop should be carried out at a depth between 5 and 3 metres for 3 minutes.
The stop is indicated by the display with the STOP icon; the display, under this condition, clearly indicates the duration in minutes of the stop and the depth expressed in metres or feet. The safety stop is not mandatory, yet it is strongly recommended if, for instance, the maximum ascent rate is repeatedly exceeded. Cressi always recommends respecting it, in order to avoid safety issues.
REMARK: During the safety stop, the maximum depth can be displayed by pressing the right (>) button.
then later. In the manual...
However, if during the dive, due to negligence or emergency, you have exceeded the no decompression limits, Giotto will provide specific information related to a correct ascent and to the decompression information.
Upon violating the limits, the computer will issue an audible alarm and the screen on the display will change to look as indicated in the following picture providing the diver with the following information:
1) Stop icon with the word DECO showing that the no decompression limits have been violated and that decompression must be performed. The arrow indicating UP will flash.
2) Depth of first decompression stage (the deepest), indicated in metres (m) or feet (ft). This can vary from a maximum of 24 m to a minimum of 3 m by steps of 3 m in 3 minutes.
3) Duration in minutes for the first decompression stage (the deepest).
4) TOTAL icon, indicating the total ascent time, that is the time required to ascend to the deepest stage, respecting the ascent rate, PLUS the stop time at that depth and any other subsequent stop (indicating the deep stop if necessary), PLUS the safety stop time, PLUS the time required to reach the surface after completing the decompression stages.
5) “DIVE.T” icon giving the total time spent while diving.
REMARK: In this case, the maximum depth can be displayed by pressing the right button.
REMARK: In case the deepest stage is a Deep Stop, by pressing the right key you will see, always on the right top corner, the depth and duration of the first stage, not Deep Stop.