The question was "what would you have done," but okay - some people just cannot resist the kick a guy when he's already admitted mistake.
Did you feel I was kicking you by asking the question? Forgive me, it was not my intent.
As for what I would have done, it's easy to type out the "right" answer - having not been there.
But here's what I "did" do two nights ago:
We were a threesome - which I am used to and don't mind. The plan was to poke around for a while in 15' at the end of the dive, and then swim the 200' under the docks to the exit point.
When I turned to look at one of the buddies, I saw that he was ascending toward the surface - unannounced. BTW, this guy is 62 years old. I go to the other guy, point to the ascending diver and give him the thumb. I then go up to check on the the ascending diver, who tells me he was low on air and didn't want to go under the docs. No problem, I say, just let us know so we can join you. One up, all up.
Here's where are stories converge. The diver I gave the thumb to didn't surface.
So?? What did I do?
I checked my gas. I had 1300psi in an HP100. I made sure the diver on the surface had his BC inflated and instructed him to swim around the dock to the beach and not to descend again. Then I put my reg back in my mouth and started searching for the other diver
on the surface. When I found his bubbles, I headed down to join him. He had just gone under the dock in 12' of water, so I joined him, exchanged OKs, and accompanied him to the beach where we met up with the other diver.
Around the trucks, we all agreed that the diver that went up should have alerted us, and that we should have all stayed together. We also agreed that I should not have ascended without the buddy that remained down - I should have insisted on the thumb and brought him up with me, instead of just giving him the thumb and heading up. The diver that stayed down agreed that he should have accompanied me to the surface.