breast feeding

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oh, now. maybe he just really thinks it is wrong. I tell you, lots of people agree with him. I was never that flagrant about it but the words he was using were a wee bit flip and the comment about "some guys wife breast" sent me into orbit. I am sure his wife appreciates his protectiveness.
Last I checked, the US of A was a free country. Exercise your freedom to look in another direction if it is so offensive to you.

Mrs. (or Mrs), is a title used for women, usually married women. The pronunciation varies regionally but is usually Missiz or Missus. It is rarely spelt out; one variant, in the works of Thomas Hardy and others, is "Mis'ess".

In the United Kingdom, most Commonwealth countries, and Ireland, a full stop (in the U.S. a "period") does not usually follow the abbreviated form: "I saw Mrs Price at the office talking to Mr Brown."

Mrs. originated as a contraction of the title "Mistress", the feminine of "Mister" or "Master", which was originally applied to both married and unmarried women. The title split into "Mrs." for married women and "Miss" for unmarried women during the 17th Century.
Win your battle on “breast feeding topless” in the scuba board forums. Hurray for you!!!

Women must not breast feed topless - or the evildoers will win!... In fact, I'm starting a new organization: Men Against Nipples aka MAN.

I was gonna use nips instead of nipples but nip is also derogatory racist slang and I might come off as an even bigger bigot...

why am I posting in the women's view forum!?!?!?!? Girl's have cooties.
ouch. guess I better stay buttoned up and in Hawaii. :babycrawl :babycrawl :babycrawl :babycrawl
See what you've woman haters have gone and done????
The Kraken:
I completely agree with you, WasWild.

The most wonderful thing that can take place between a mother and her infant and our society condemns it.

We are very convoluted in our concepts of what is fitting and proper in society.

the K

Exactly! Breasts have a real, non-sexual function and breastfeeding a baby in public should attract no more attention than using a baby bottle.
Funny I read this today, and I just seen a woman feeding at Target in the Clothing section with no cover at all. I was shocked and did a double look... sure-a-nuf, the nip was out and showing. I think that if there is an option to go to a more private spot it’s not rude to question why she would do it in public. For gods sake at least cover your chest while feeding if you can't get out of the general publics view! I don't want to see some other guy’s wife breast feeding in the men’s clothing dept when she could have easily gone to the fitting rooms and done it there. That is not too much to ask. I don’t want my kids seeing that unless it’s unavoidable, it’s a part of life that you experience very young and then when you’re an adult again and have your own kids. I believe that in the USA today, society overall would say that what I seen was not approprate.

Ha, I bet the problem was that she wasn't charging for the view or doing it for the camera, as in "Girls Gone Wild!"

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