breast feeding

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Troll??? No, not at all. I said exactly what I was thinking as I noticed her. If it were my wife and some other guy walking by is able to see her nipple, that’s wrong of her. Other men looking at my wife’s breast is not ok with me. Any decent person would have covered themselves. Yes, the female breast in plain view of the public for me and my kids to see is WRONG!! It’s not like I wanted to see her. I'm not going to play games on the wording of my post. It is exactly as I intended it with the point being that if the woman feeding is not covered it is inappropriate. If she had been covered this would not have been an issue.
Would you let your kids see your wife breast feeding in your own home?
we better get out of here, this cannot be good. I feel a whaling thread coming on.

Wait! Don't go, there's so much more to discuss.
you take things too personally (odd, since you're a guy!) :)

You're making a blanket statement by saying "if someone is offended by nature, blah blah blah"... I mean, nature encompasses a LOT of things- mating animals, predators ripping apart the flesh of weaker animals, birds pooping on statues... lol, those are all part of "nature", and while it doesn't "offend" me, I have no desire to SEE any of the above. ;-) Same with a breastfeeding mother... Its not offensive, but I think it can be done more discreetly.

I agree that it can be done more discreetly, but in the end, people are easily offended, which makes me wonder, how did our parent raised our generation that we became such discreet animals. I too sin by thinking sometimes that its inapropriate, but there are times that I see a mother breast feed and just smile (without staring straight into that area, actually I try not to do that for no reason, I think its disrespectful no matter how you look at it, your face is up - I'm talking to your face, not to your body parts).

mmm... I'll give you an example of my opinions by saying that an old Russian (no, I'm not) kids songs that goes by saying that a grasshopper was laying on the grass, a frog came and ate the grasshopper.

Nature is and will always be the facts of life, kids should not be afraid of their own shadow, animals are eating eachother, damn, even people are eating eachother in some parts of the world.

When my mom grew up, my grandmother gave her a small chick, my mom fed the chick and played with it untill it became a big chicken, one day she came back from school and found a lovely lunch.. you guessed it.

Facts of life are and will always be - facts of life, no reason to hide it from your kids, it will make them stronger, smarter and more aware of their surroundings.
well, I care about other's sentiments but if he can come on here and blather away about "a nip" then I can certainly feed my baby.

All this talking about the woman in terms of belonging to some other guy is putting my panties in a wad. I am feeling an attack of feminism coming on.

You know, lets be an honest. A lot of this is regional to a large extent. And since I will always live in places where most people don't get worked up about breastfeeding, then why should I mind if someplace else a grown man wants to be traumatized by a...."nip".
Diver Dennis:
Perhaps if more kids saw that and their parents explained that this is a natural part of life, we would have less problems distinguishing between breast feeding and sex.

That's about the best thing I've read on this thread.

The kid is hungry, feed 'em, anytime, anywhere!

I also think Diver Dennis is quite right.

In Toronto, it is legal for women to be topless, though you rarely see it. Women got that right because it was declared unconstitutional for men to be allowed to be topless but not women. So it may appear legally to be less conservative, but in my experience, most moms are pretty discreet around here. You usually don't see anything. The rare times you do, it may be because the child is having difficulty latching on or the child withdraws suddenly.

Catherine, just a matter of interest since you brought up the notion of a woman being property. Do you know where the term "Mrs" comes from? People once used to say, for example, she's "the Mister's", and it got shortened to "Mrs". It was considered to be a declaration of property. This is why many women, such as myself, do not use the title "Mrs". I prefer to tick off "no title" or "Ms" if I must. eyebrow
Catherine, you make me laugh. My using the term "nip" somehow equates with you and "I can certainly feed my baby.” What the??? Where did that come from? What are you talking about? Who ever said you couldn't? Ridiculas. Talk about trolling... :06:

I in no way meant that her breast was property of another man. You’re obviously not married by the way you talk. I have never met a married man or woman who was ok with the other showing their sexual organs in public (married strippers excluded:D ). Last I knew the female Breast was considered a sexual organ.

For being an RN I’m surprised at your opinion on this. The hospital gives you a blanket to cover yourself or offers a private place. My wife has a BSN/CEN and has been in ER for a long time along with L&D. As you should know this is an issue of respecting the others around you and there opinions/morals. She has read this post and is LOL. Her quote “tell her if she wants show off your breasts to go to Mardi Graw. Otherwise its time to think and act like an adult, use good discernment. We aren’t in Africa were its socially and morally a norm.”

Your post is an excuse to rant and troll. Go ahead and have your tantrum. See who cares and reply back. Win your battle on “breast feeding topless” in the scuba board forums. Hurray for you!!!

I'm outa here!!!!
ouch. guess I better stay buttoned up and in Hawaii. :babycrawl :babycrawl :babycrawl :babycrawl
ouch. guess I better stay buttoned up and in Hawaii.
no need :D I feel a cold wind blowing.

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