breast feeding

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if men were the ones who had breasts and as such were in charge of feeding this would be a non-issue :evil:
Reminds me of...

* Maternity leave would last for two years... with full pay
* There'd be a cure for stretch marks
* Natural childbirth would become obsolete
* Morning sickness would rank as the nation's number one health problem
* All methods of birth control would be improved 100 percent effectiveness
* Children would be kept in the hospital until they were toilet trained
* Men would be EAGER to talk about commitment
* They wouldn't think twins were quite so cute
* Fathers would demand that their SONS be home from dates by 10:00pm
* Men could use THEIR briefcases as diaper bags
* They'd have to stop saying,"I'm afraid I'll drop him."
* Paternity suits would be a line of clothes
* They'd stay in bed for the entire nine months
* Menus at most restaurants would list ice cream and pickles as an entree
* Women would rule the world!
Re: Mrs
I apologize for sending this thread off-topic.

I came across that belonging to the Mr info when I was doing courses in Women's History in university. I don't recall where it was from, but it stuck with me. The women as property theme is pretty common... I won't get into the minimizing suffix "ess" as in "actress", "headmistress", etc. At weddings, you rarely hear "I now pronounce you man and wife" anymore - you usually hear "husband and wife". Is all of this not to improve women's status?

The derivation does seem to be what you all suggest. The Wikepedia goes on to say:
The title may be used with the last name alone, or with the first and last name. Traditionally, the title "Mrs." was used only with the husband's full name: for example, "Mrs. John Doe", for a married woman or widow.

Remember that women were not declared "persons" under the law until the 20th century, and as such, could not vote, own property, etc. And they called her "Mrs David Smith", for example, instead of her own identity. Any way I look at it, it doesn't seem right.

The American Heritage Dictionary states:
As a title of respect for a woman without regard to her marital status, Ms. is the equivalent of Mr., the courtesy title for a man: Ms. Smith; Ms. Judith Smith.

I think Ms is a much better title, if one must be used at all. So there! :irazz:

Furthermore, breastfeeding an infant is not a sexual act, it is a necessity. It can be done very discreetly even to fit into a society that is "conservative".
The women as property theme is pretty common...

agreed, and there's no doubt women were seen as one step above chattel
for quite a long time in our society (and continue to fare little better than they did
500 years ago in other societies).

but (alas, the but) i have never seen convincing evidence of the origins
of the term "mrs" that you proposed

personally, i don't mind calling someone what they want to be called,
be it Mrs. or Ms. i usually avoid both anyway (i dont' call men Mr.
Ha, I bet the problem was that she wasn't charging for the view or doing it for the camera, as in "Girls Gone Wild!"

THAT is the best quip since I have been on SB! WAY-TO-Go! where were you when he was here telling me to go to mardi gras! mothers UNITE. (My daughter had one of those hats on "girls gone wild", I almost choked on my toast.)
oooohhh. we have a physician now...that should give us a little much needed credibilty. Yes, that guy was some peice of work. I am willing to respect his feelings if possible when in Target. Glad he never had to sit by me on a plane though. I always covered up but that slurping sound...well hope he packed his Bose noise reducing headsets. Babies are people.

"I just seen" and "sure-nuf" were clues. I wanted to be kind... until he told me to go to Mardi Gras.
This thread was about baby breast feeding, now its man breast feeding/playing...:D

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