breast feeding

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Be nice to the new comer,
Hi RNshark, welcome to ScubaBoard.
well, David, you need to get outta here because you will start a brawl.

the guy did mention his wife was an RN...he had 10 posts and she has a few, she is really a he....I smell a rat.
Perhaps modesty in this world is not as appreciated as it should be. But if you want/need to feed in public, the least you can do is to attempt to be aware of the feelings of the people around you. We aren't talking about the people like TekDiveGirl who obviously understands this, but about the woman that sits in the middle of Target with everything hanging out and no attempts what-so-ever at modesty. There is a big difference here. I was at the mall once and noticed a mother sitting on a bench with a coverlet over her shoulder, sure I know what she is doing!! But I appreciate her understanding that in our typical american culture having your breasts hanging out in public is not politically correct. It's all about understanding the culture you do live in and discernment in acting appropriately.
First of all, "if you want/need to feed in public"??? Gee sorry, I don't know many breastfeeding mothers who don't feed on demand. If Baby's hungry, Baby eats. Sequestering nursing mothers because of someone's puritanical concept that breasts are somehow offensive is archaic. If seeing a nursing mother is offensive to you, look away. If your children see the nursing mother and ask questions, use the opportunity to explain a bit about the facts of life to them, because if you don't give them honest and correct answers now, their friends will most likely provide them with answers that are NOT appropriate and ARE misinformative, later on when misinformation can be harmful.

As for political correctness, I'll take the health benefits of breastfeeding, as well as the rights of mothers to feed their children without fear of being chastised over politics any old day. What's next? Forcing mothers to change dirty diapers in the car, because some little girl in a public restroom might see an infant's penis?

It's that kind of attitude that set women's rights back into the 19th Century.
another woman's boys penis, at that.
Well put Giggi, thank you. The poster she was defending called breasts sex organs, I believe it may have been her husband...
All of the diaper changing stations I've seen at my school are in the men's restroom. I'm willing to bet they were put there by somebody who cared more about functionality (men's rooms have less stalls and thus more room) then they cared for people being offended. Must be a west coast thing.
What is the big deal. Baby wants food, baby gets food. Modesty in this case is a waste of energy.
oh! you going to PNG??? you lucky, lucky woman!!!! post report when you come back.
So what did women do before formula became the "in thing" to give a baby? What do women in all the other countries in the world do where there is no formula?
Breastfeeding is a natural event and should be treated as such. It is not a big deal except for those that have managed to put a sexual conotation to it.
I breastfed my kid till she was two. And let me tell ya, it was not easy being in a public place with no place to go discretely so not to offend. If that was bad, try expressing milk for future use while at work. Even though the law states I am allowed a clean (private) area to express milk, the GM thought the bathroom was just fine. I finally was allowed to express in the maintenence room, and even with a sign on the door, the (male) workers walked in on me many times.
Anybody who breastfeeds in public has my utmost respect. Nobody I have ever known or seen breastfeed in public in the least way tried to make it sexual. That's just wrong. It is how others perceive it. Unless you have breastfeed, you probably wouldn't understand.

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