Bonaire is a thieves paradise.
Okay, I think your point has been made. Many others feel differently, as you've seen.
For the record, folks, to any readers of this thread who have never been to Bonaire, it is one of the safest places you'll ever visit. The reason that thievery sometimes occurs is that people park their cars in remote places, untended, for an hour or more at a time. (Naturally, in the shore-diving capital of the world, more people park in remote places than anywhere else.) So, duh, just leave the car unlocked with windows half open, and don't leave anything attractive in it.
Here at home in Clearwater Florida, I never lock my soft-top convertible IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY because I've heard of people who have had their top ripped when someone broke into their car in the middle of the night. Because... well, Clearwater must be a thieves' paradise!
I like to hike in Lake Tahoe when visiting relatives. I park at fairly remote trail heads. I don't leave anything valuable in the car. Because....Lake Tahoe must be a thieves' paradise!
I don't leave my wallet at my table at restaurants when I use the restroom. Because... restaurants must be a thieves' paradise, too!
In other words, just be somewhat intelligent and Bonaire is among the most crime-free tourist areas you'll ever visit.