I did meet several teams of divers who had their truck windows smashed by thieves. Fortunately, our truck windows were left open and unlocked and we did not suffer this fate...
And that is the issue. Bonaire is a 'divers' paradise.' Ergo, the population knows divers rent trucks & abandon them for about an hour or so at a time, encumbered with gear, and leave the island within a week, so what are the odds of the victim running you down & prosecuting you?
That said, LEAVE THE TRUCK DOORS DOWN & WINDOWS UNLOCKED!!!!! Thieves investigate your vehicle, find nothing of value and move on. Yes, there are sporadic cases of batteries, spare tires or gas being stolen from vehicles, but most of the time, they just check your truck & move on. If you lock your truck, it suggests there's something in there worth protecting.
You want to talk about skipping a destination due to crime? Do a little checking into Jamaica, mainland Honduras, mainland Mexico and even parts of St. Thomas.
In Bonaire, I and loved ones who travel with me think almost nothing about walking around after dark, whether rural or in the capitol, and that's more than I can say for a lot of places.
Yes, many of us would like sting operations against the thieves, perhaps followed by public flogging, hard labor imprisonment, or what-have-you, to put a stop to the problem instead of letting the victimization go on.
Until that happens, windows down, doors unlocked, low risk, and nowhere on Earth is perfect.
P.S.: I reserve the right to scream bloody murder if anybody ever steals my tire, battery or (especially at their prices) gas.