Blue Spring (Orange City) Sat. May 22

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Dont extend him too much credit, he has just bought some gear and more to come from what i hear - might be short to pay you back! :wink:
Actually i take this back, Andy has started up his own little LDS on the gear sales forum, a bit of this, a bit of that, no wonder you are going to afford all this new gear, you are selling enough to outfit an OW class there!

Feel like selling a new HID light or some reels or an AL BP to a deserving cause??? I mean you must be getting wholesale discounts now from the manufacturers - so pass on those savings!! :wink:
er... well, now that you mention it, i have this used P-valve and accoutremonts for
sale, real cheap, if a little discoloured... nothing some bleach cant' fix
er... well, now that you mention it, i have this used P-valve and accoutremonts for
sale, real cheap, if a little discoloured... nothing some bleach cant' fix
Is that like a J, K, Y or H valve??? :wink: Who thought about all this and decided to name everything as a single letter - there are only 26 of them, why not just call them a single name like reserve, regular, redundant - all R's of course just to confuse anyone used to the letter system, then we can have all air systems under A, bc/bp/wings under B, lights under L, spools/reels under S, masks M, fins F, weight systems W, tanks T, i am sure there are others, but i am getting bored of that game now......

I didnt realize you had a drysuit, is that for sale also - i didnt see it on the gear sale forum. I thought that would really help put together the cash for your new stuff. Personally i am trying to second guess myself and what i will need and hopefully not buy again after an initial "entry" purchase - see how well that idea works wont we :wink:
Is that like a J, K, Y or H valve???
Not knowing if you are serious about this, but I thikn the p-valve is called the 'P' valve cuz its for pee, as in urine.
oh ewwww gross
Not knowing if you are serious about this, but I thikn the p-valve is called the 'P' valve cuz its for pee, as in urine.
It was a joke, i understand what the P valve's purpose is. I was just joking about the various other valves which i thought came from their listing in a 50'60's catalogue (way before most of us were born who are reading this thread) and how weird that naming was. When you have to explain a joke in minute detail, it obviously wasnt funny......

No Andy's P valve is all his own, i think he just has to buy the drysuit to go with it. Maybe if he sells enough gear he can get one - and i thought lawyers made the big bucks (or is that mechanics?) :wink:

are you free on sunday to dive at Blue? If you recall i suggested in our PM's that there was a slight chance that we would attempt some dives out of Jupiter on saturday morning on our way back up from Boynton (from friday's dives), this looks a reasonable possibility now and we wouldnt be getting back to Orlando til later in the afternoon. Sunday i am free to get up there around 1-1.30pm, so if that works with you we can do that instead - you still get time to work on your stuff, i get more dives in generally and i will still bring 3 full tanks with me. What do you say?
sure, let me see if the scuba store has tanks for Sunday...

oops... that doesn't work. they are not open on Sundays
So is that a no go for sunday diving? I will see how sure saturday morning is going to be before deciding one way or the other. Can you pick up on saturday, i would think however that it would be a way to drive to pick anything up unless you were diving on saturday.
yeah, that's quite the drive...hmmm... i think i shall put out an APB for a buddy
just in case you can't make it on Saturday :wink:

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