Blue Spring (Orange City) Sat. May 22

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no one else, as far as i know, but it's early days yet

and yes, they do let you park just inside the gate, just not in the parking lot
(until your buddy arrives)
wendy, you are batting 1000 when it comes to helping me...

Spruce Creek does have steel 95's and i'm all set with them.


that's why i'm here sweetie, to help. Maybe I should charge you my DM fee for all the helpful info I give out. oh wait, you already owe me a few beers, i'll start running you a tab. :wink:
that's why i'm here sweetie, to help. Maybe I should charge you my DM fee for all the helpful info I give out. oh wait, you already owe me a few beers, i'll start running you a tab. :wink:
Dont extend him too much credit, he has just bought some gear and more to come from what i hear - might be short to pay you back! :wink:
Can it be, Tell me it isn't so, Andy and Simon Dive buddies !!!!!
I'll have to start a pool to see who comes back alive :eyebrow:
Whats next?
:wink: Me and Ben diving together
Can it be, Tell me it isn't so, Andy and Simon Dive buddies !!!!!
I'll have to start a pool to see who comes back alive :eyebrow:
Whats next?
:wink: Me and Ben diving together
Only if Ben uses a reel for that first little bit to OW or you chill about it!! Who would have thought of half of us as buddies at one time or another. I have kind of dove with Andy twice before at the Ginnie BBQ, however there were also another 4-6 buddies in the water at the same time in our "little" group - felt like an OW class (although didnt look like one) around here! :wink:
say, Simbrooks... you do know we leave the dive knives in our cars, right?

and no bang sticks, EMT shears, linecutters, sharp twigs, or small pieces of cuttlery
Depends... if the chances are the same as me using a reel at Peacock 1 then I wouldn't bet on it :D

If Fred wants to dive with me and run a reel he is more then welcome to, but my primary is staying in the car :wink:

Congrats on the purchase Andy, welcome to the darkside, do you have it all threaded and everything? I'm back in Jax if you need a hand.

ben: thanks for the offer, and boy did i need the help. however, after my
advanced entanglement work with the reel, threading the harness was relatively
simple. so you see, one should count one's blessings :wink:
say, Simbrooks... you do know we leave the dive knives in our cars, right?

and no bang sticks, EMT shears, linecutters, sharp twigs, or small pieces of cuttlery
And there i was hoping to catch us a rabid otter, and boil it down in the spring and chew it over during the safety stop....

Yes if you need to double check your threading et al this weekend i will be on hand, i rethreaded mine this last weekend in about 20 mins (with pockets, d-rings, inner tubing, knife and belt buckle all back in the right places), so i am getting used to putting it all together.

I will make sure that if you are running any type of reel this weekend that i will stay just far enough away from you to not get caught in the ball of line with you, but still close enough to help carry you wrapped up back to the surface - like a trapped otter, as i cant cut you free without any knives! Maybe to cut you free i will have to rub you against those fallen trees to find a notch to nick the line on and spring you free - dont mind do you? :wink:

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