Tuesday's dive, May 21
Tried to sift through the photos from Wednesday's dive and pick a few out for posting. Made it through them and even (somewhat) successfully culled. Dang, that hurts. But, by the time I made it through, it was time hit the road for yesterday's dive. Staying with friends in Hobe Sound, so it takes a while to get there. Haven't even looked at the pics from yesterday's outing. I found the viz to be incredible both days, though maybe not quite as good on Thursday. Here's some from Tuesday, though.
My sense is that this tiny little guy might be something different from the usual. Also might just be a little hairy blenny. Could barely even see it was there when the shot was taken.
Lots of really colorful creatures at that west wall.

Some of them with injuries.

Have become addicted to the mirror - especially with the plethora of pikeblennies about of late.
Can't get enough of these guys - one of the bennies of the great viz.
Shared these nearby finds with some other photogs.

Got some video of this guy doing this over and over and running along like a little chimp. Unlike the one from Bimini, I'll eventually get around to sharing same.
Taken for viz demonstration. And, he had handsome markings.
Had thought that both of these were gonna be those yellow pearlies who hang out in the same vicinity. Coincidence??

These guys always seem to be so happy and friendly.

No idea why that last pics shows up the way it does. . .