WHY??? Why must you torture us? Us, who cannot find your Dwarf Frogfish, ever after two hours of trying. I think you take these pictures from the web... Or that dwarf Frogfish are a myth, like Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness monster.A photo from yesterday...

Although, in the 74 degree water, and 5-10 foot viz, on the West Side of the bridge, we did find Mantis Shrimp, Batfish, juvenile Sea Robins, Yellow Stingrays, Bumblebee Shrimp, several Octopus, and jimw earned a Free Lunch at the super secret Troll Bar for his finding a Seahorse.
Mmmmm... That was a good meal, MrChen.
Too bad you missed it, and the dive....
Have to sleep now, more Diving with Trolls tomorrow.Thanks to jimw and DiveDivaDM and their friend for a great dive. Look forward to diving with you in Bonaire