I'd rather be diving than be at work, but the bills have to be paid (including my taxes). I have found that if you get there early enough (2 hrs is plenty), you will find divers congregating around the picnic tables to chat. Usually there are some looking for buddies. Sometimes there's a troll in the group, sometimes not. But I've witnessed divers agreeing to dive together while chatting. I've also ran into a few SB'ers from out of town visiting the bridge, so don't be shy to mention you are on SB, I think this increases your chances of finding a buddy if you find another SB'er.
Sounds great. The Army gave me the day off; who am I to complain?

Looks like it's supposed to rain that day; that doesn't deter Bridge Trolls, does it? Rain won't stop me...
After talking to djtimmy, and thinking about it; I'm going to stick with the 5mm. 2+ hour dives can leave you chilled, and I don't want to aggravate that with a thin suit.BTW: I wear a 3/2 and have been wearing my lavacore top during the winter. I'd be fine in 77, but as the temp dropped to 70, I got used to wearing it. I don't know at what temp I'll wish I wasn't wearing it. I've been far more comfortable with it on in the lower 70's.
I've heard great things about the lava-core series. I'll have to look more into it.