Well, apparently you're wrong.Two hours is enough dues to find a Frogfish at the bridge.
I found a Sargassaum Frogfish right at the end of our dive. Unfortunately, my camera battery died; but djtimmy's was able to get the shot.
I'm still gathering the data, but here's the low-down:
2 hours, 17 minutes.
78 degrees; noticably warmer than yesterday.
Max depth 12 feet, again.
Viz was about 20 feet; double yesterday.
We dove the west side of the bridge again.
And saw: Octopus, Blennies, Crabs, BB shrimp, two different Nudibranchs- and a Reticulated Sea Slug, Anemones, Flounder, an Octopus Fight, That weird shrimp that djtimmy posted, Bluethroated PikeBlenny, Stingray, A Sea Spider, and the aforementioned Frogfish.
MrChen, how was work? (BTW, that's evil)
So still no dwarf? :evil:

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