Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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juvinele big head searobin, like this?
Little bugger did not want to be photographed...

803 bigeye searobin.jpg
very possible. :wink:
Monday night we found 2 large Lionfish on the west side, I believe it was near the fishing pier. I just wish I had a way to kill them.
Monday night we found 2 large Lionfish on the west side, I believe it was near the fishing pier. I just wish I had a way to kill them.

How about....Cheeze Whiz, liberally, leading to a fishing hook on a line about 3 feet long....staked to the bottom.....then leave the hooked lionfish to be food for whatever will ultimately devour them. ?

....too generic. No telling what will end up on that hook....

and here we are talking about food again !!

Perhaps Jenny could get some Ginsu knives and do another Benihana on them...
Monday night we found 2 large Lionfish on the west side, I believe it was near the fishing pier. I just wish I had a way to kill them.

Someone in the past pointed out that it is legal to stab fish at the BHB.

I never had the cojones to try it on a lion fish, though I have seen a number there.

I would suggest an M7 bayonet...
Only problem with stabbing them is that they don't stay still long enough to get to em..
I presume it is Heresy to ask here, but what the heck.

Recommendations for a nice restaurant near BHB, *other* than the super secret joint? Something a little more er... well lit and yuppie-esque.

Google shows a cluster of possibilities on each side of the bridge.
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