Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Any reports from tonight? Thinking about the night dive tomorrow....

Force E and probably Pura Vida will know the water temp. and viz. We called last week when we saw nada here.
Did a dawn dive with the J's this morning. Temp 75 (average from 3 computers). And vis 20 feet. Lots of octopuses including some venturing out from their little hidey holes. Photos when I get home this evening.
I showed 77F pretty much throughout the dive. Started at 78F until I moved a bit deeper toward the
small bridge. Viz pretty much around 20 ft as mentioned although it did seem to open up a bit on the north
side of the bridge. Tide started moving out a bit early, maybe 30 minutes into the dive then seemed to taper
off a bit. Very acceptable diving ! Probably going to do the night dive this evening after seeing the viz this morning.
Sounds like it is improving a bit over reports of just a few days ago.
Thanks for the reports! We will be there tonight... and maybe in the morning too...

---------- Post added May 4th, 2012 at 01:46 PM ----------

Thanks for the reports! We will be there tonight... and maybe in the morning too...
What?? I can't hear you. Can you repeat that?

:D :D :D :D
One of 7 (? I think) octopuses we saw today. As we watched he crawled out from under the rock, posed for us and tucked himself into the skinniest pipe opening. It was pretty cool to see.

BHB 5-4 1.jpg
That's a cool pic of the octo!
I tried some photos sans the flash with limited results. Some of the pics are just too green.. sigh.. For me, this dive was all about the journey, not the destination. By the time we got to the bridge the tide had already turned.

Lancer Dragonet


Plumed Scorpionfish


Nudi .. need to work on that macro setting more..

Seaweed blenny
Many octopi out and about on this evenings night dive. Horseshoe crabs, honeycomb eel, and many crustaceans.
An excellent night dive, thanks to Force E for their ongoing sponsorship of these night dives. Have not checked my
computer but the water actually felt a bit warmer than this morning and the viz was very good.
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