Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Fun dive tonight. Once it got dark the nudis were out in full force! I think we mainly saw the dondice and flabellina type but we'll see for sure once the photos are processed. Also saw the biggest pipefish we have ever seen! My first bumblebee shrimp, it was walking out and about near an urchin! Key worm eel, lancer dragonet, etc, etc, etc! We didn't see any octos though. hmm. Computer is soaking now so don't have a temp, but water was comfortable and the vis was just good enough.

oh yeah, almost got run down (on purpose) by some crazy guy on a motorcycle in the parking lot as we were about to get in!
Just got home...lots of stuff to see tonite. My computer says 76 degrees, but felt warmer. Saw plenty of octos in the area we were in. My eyes are too old to tell what the one nudi I saw was until I get some sleep and put it up on the big computer screen. Counted 4 batfish sleeping on the bottom, saw the worm eel, for JET there were some horseshoe crabs "not fighting", two pikeblennies, and while I've never seen a bumblebee shrimp, I'm gonna keep looking. Exited the water under an almost full moon, hot cocoa for me and my buddy, and then dinner with new and old friends from the BRATS meetup group. Now I'm curled up in bed. Gear's soaking and gotta be in a cavern diving class at 9am.

A most excellent evening. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
oh yeah, almost got run down (on purpose) by some crazy guy on a motorcycle in the parking lot as we were about to get in!

Yikes! It's not underwater that I'm afraid of ... it's the parking lot at PF park!

for JET there were some horseshoe crabs "not fighting",

I will take credit for coining the phrase but I have to admit I'm not 100% comfortable with the thought that you all think of me when you see this kind of ... ummm ... "activity."
Glad to hear everyone had a good dive except for the divers who crossed the channel. I hope law enforcement gave them just a warning that they will heed. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt or for night dives to be stopped.

Now a message about my dive. Besides the very strong current I had a diver come between me & my dive buddies & more importantly scare away my photo subjects. Dan, I didn't appreciate that big light or you hovering within 3 feet of me & most of all shining the light on my subject & in my eyes. I spoke to you earlier, politely, and asked you to be careful & not get so close to me. You are the 1st to post about bad mannered learning divers (remember we all had to learn once) & are trying to push it so they will have a specific area. Yet you feel it is okay to swim up to a photographer & scare their subject away & then when I move you followed me. All photographers know you need a 360 body arc in case your subject turns & you need to as well. I am 5'2 & I couldn't move you were that close. So please keep your distance & I will do the same.

---------- Post added May 5th, 2012 at 06:34 PM ----------

Bill, This is a great photo. I have never gotten one with so much color. I have only seen 3 key worms eels great find
bill, nice tongue fish!!!
Dan, I didn't appreciate that big light or you hovering within 3 feet of me & most of all shining the light on my subject & in my eyes. I spoke to you earlier, politely, and asked you to be careful & not get so close to me. You are the 1st to post about bad mannered learning divers (remember we all had to learn once) & are trying to push it so they will have a specific area. Yet you feel it is okay to swim up to a photographer & scare their subject away & then when I move you followed me. All photographers know you need a 360 body arc in case your subject turns & you need to as well. I am 5'2 & I couldn't move you were that close. So please keep your distance & I will do the same.

I had been asked to accompany a group from a Dive shop out of Atlanta...a group of about 12 divers, some new divers, and it included 4 photographers. They had not been here before, and aside from being shown where to look for macro creatures, they needed someone to prevent them from getting in the nav channel, or to be there if they ran low on air, and had issues finding their way back to the beach. With the current as bad as it was, and considering what it did to Ari, this was important.

If I got close to you, it would have been because I thought you were a diver in this group. How do you expect me to know what you look like underwater?
I had I think , two encounters about 90 minutes into the dive, when my group should all have been needing to get back to shore soon, where I thought I approached a group member, but in fact it was one of the regulars at BHB. One was Mena, apparently the other was you.
Sorry it happened, but I was more concerned for the new divers having support on this dive, than the chance that one minute of your photography got spoiled.
Again, there are only a few divers I recognize instantly underwater...due to wildly different body shape, very different camera that interested me enough for me to have it in memory, very unique wetsuit that no one else has..etc...

The bad behaviors I have been posting about are about silting and damaging the Hydroid Forest along the bottom. That is ecologically bad... Since BHB is a place for fun, and the photography is supposed to be done for fun, I cant see getting worked up about losing a minute now and then. If you take pictures in the middle of 200 divers in a tiny little area like this, it is kind of presumptuous to believe that all around you will know YOU are taking a shot of something, and that all of these divers will scurry away to give you your professional room. In my case, if it is JUST ME that bothers you, then get a Construction workers pullover or some other distinctive marking....when I see it, I will know to swim away from the sight of you.

If this seems harsh, I am really pissed at Mena right now for her comments to Sandra after the dive, along the same lines as yours, but much worse. I have decided ( just this moment as I think about this again) I will not know what Mena looks like underwater, ever. :)

I may be mistaken, but it seems that ettiquette and a desire for a positive reponse or outcome to such a 1:1 or personal issue with another diver would call for a private message or other form of direct communication rather than in a public forum. I for one would appreciate it if such discussion (and response) aimed at a particular diver were confined to private messaging. It is uncomfortable enough to here everyone's cellphone conversations in public places. It would be nice to keep the content of a forum like this one for sharing experiences, community concerns, and general tips. I hope I have not offended anyone with this suggestion.
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