Consider all the divers (supposedly experienced and conservation minded) that enter the water just east of east lifeguard stand. Do they swim? Nope. Do they scuba? Nope. Instead they enter water to waist height and walk the length of beach in the water, because they are to lazy to walk the140 yards on the beach in their gear with their cameras. Walking waist height in water, ensuring a place that is prime seahorse habit is completely and utterly disturbed. Not to mention the chance of stepping on a seahorse!No kidding.. the guy almost kicked the seahorse. I heard a seahorse died a month ago I think, when someone stepped on it.
the sheer amount of poor skills and lack of awareness towards other divers has really gotten bad. And every year, I think it gets worse...
Viz, when I started.. first one in the poolwas 30-40 ft. I look up and viz is dropping to almost 0! Divers flailing on the surface kicking up the bottom..