Blue Heron Bridge Trolls III

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No kidding.. the guy almost kicked the seahorse. I heard a seahorse died a month ago I think, when someone stepped on it.
the sheer amount of poor skills and lack of awareness towards other divers has really gotten bad. And every year, I think it gets worse...
Viz, when I started.. first one in the pool :) was 30-40 ft. I look up and viz is dropping to almost 0! Divers flailing on the surface kicking up the bottom..
Consider all the divers (supposedly experienced and conservation minded) that enter the water just east of east lifeguard stand. Do they swim? Nope. Do they scuba? Nope. Instead they enter water to waist height and walk the length of beach in the water, because they are to lazy to walk the140 yards on the beach in their gear with their cameras. Walking waist height in water, ensuring a place that is prime seahorse habit is completely and utterly disturbed. Not to mention the chance of stepping on a seahorse!
Did not go to the bridge for diving today. A week ago Friday I wrote in my post I was going to spend time installing a fresh water tank with a pump in the bed of my truck, so I did not have to wait for extremely rude individuals who think it is okay to monopolize a public shower or fish cleaning station because they happen to get there first. Below are pictures of the installed water tank with pump and the hose running. No more waiting for the rude.
05-01-22 Water tank.jpg
05-01-22 Water tank 1.jpg
05-01-22 Water tank 2.jpg
A week ago Friday I wrote in my post I was going to spend time installing a fresh water tank with a pump in the bed of my truck, so I did not have to wait for extremely rude individuals
Nice!! I’ve been tempted by the rinsekit product with the battery operated pump.

Looks like a decent amount of water in there and a nice long hose! We will be looking for your truck and parking next to you :)

Hope to make it out today l
A tale of two divers.
I've actually heard people in the parking lot say...
" Look how big that diver's camera is....let follow them...they know where to go. "
Jen, you need a security detail to protect you from the scuba fans, lol !!
I always think "French Ring". So, the a Juvenile French Angel the last yellow stripe forms a ring around the margin of caudal fin, the Juvenile Gray Angel there is only the stripe at the base of the caudal fin.
Thanks @Pipehorse

I see what you are talking about
Some interesting facts on differentiating angelfish
S/he has the Grey/French and the Queen/blue ... many of the others are quite spectacular (indo- pacific / red-sea ....) one can dream :)

A few pics from today curtesy of Nathalie ..

Anyone know what this shrimp is?



Or this tiny Blenny?






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The tiny blenny is a sailfin.
If you ever want to see a bunch of them, they are all over Hollywood Beach.

I've actually heard people in the parking lot say...
" Look how big that diver's camera is....let follow them...they know where to go. "
Jen, you need a security detail to protect you from the scuba fans, lol !!
Ha Ha, and here along I always thought I was the only one that thought I was that awesome!

Seriously though, yeah, I know the following those with a big camera, been guilty of it myself on ocassion, since I have a point n shoot...
Went to the bridge today for diving. Arrived before at 0730 (my wife's vehicle was in the shop so dropped her at work), for a 1002 high tide. Parking lot was mostly empty the entirety of the time I was there. Entered the water at 0902 on the west side. Visibility was 40ft, and sea temp was 78f. Did a REEF fish count 66 species in 60 minutes. Respectively, Hogfish, Juvenile Blackear Wrasse, Juvenile Lionfish, Cottonwicks and White Grunts, and not sure what the last image is, maybe a sponge, regardless the starburst pattern it has made on this beer bottle is interesting.

05-02-22 Hogfish.jpeg
05-02-22 Juvenile Blackear Wrasse.jpeg
05-02-22 Lionfish.jpeg
05-02-22 White Grunts and Cottonwicks.jpeg
05-02-22 A sponge perhaps.jpeg

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