Blue Heron Bridge Trolls III

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Went to the bridge for diving today. Arrived at 1000 for a 1202 high tide. Parking lot was not crowded when I arrived. Entered the east side at 1025, visibility was 60 ft, sea temp was 78f. There was a Goliath under the east span, had a large hook in the corner of its mouth. I do not think it was the same one I saw two weeks ago, it was bigger and more standoffish. I was not happy with the images so not posted here. Did a REEF fish count, 70 species in 60 minutes. Exited the east side at 1125, walked across the parking lot and entered the west side at 1131. Did another REEF fish count 67 species in 60 minutes. Sea temp was the same, visibility was a little less at 50 ft. Respectively, School of Atlantic Bumper, Belted Sandfish, Three Blue Spotted Cornetfish, multiple species composition, nudibranch (species not determined yet), Redtail Parrotfish, and Atlantic Bumper video
05-05-22 Atlantic Bumper.jpeg
05-05-22 Belted Sandfish1.jpeg
05-05-22 Multiple Cornetfish.jpeg
05-05-22 Multiple Species Composition.jpeg
05-05-22 Nudibranch.jpeg
05-05-22 Redtail Parrot.jpeg

Nice shot of the cornetfish! Sweet find!
Taking a stab at the three fish, L to R Cesaer Grunt, Cottonwick, smallmouth grunt
Nice shot of the cornetfish! Sweet find!
Taking a stab at the three fish, L to R Cesaer Grunt, Cottonwick, smallmouth grunt
white grunt, cottonwick, lane snapper
Missed on the white grunt.. had Lane Snapper as the third then second guessed myself..
Nice shot of the cornetfish! Sweet find!
Taking a stab at the three fish, L to R Cesaer Grunt, Cottonwick, smallmouth grunt
Cornetfish are very common in NJ bays and inlets in late summer, Gulf Stream strays usually caught in seines drawn through eel grass. They can reach about 18 inches before November's cold water kills them along with all the other tropical strays. The first time I visited the Caribbean I wondered what all those Jersey Cornetfish were doing down there.
Dove the bridge this past Friday (5/6) and saw my very first octopus.
This is the most busy season for the long arm octopus. Should be a lot of them right now.
Went to the bridge for diving today. Arrived at 0630 for an 0730 high tide. I was pleasantly surprised to find it less crowded than I expected it would be. However, when I left at 0900 the place was rapidly filling up with non divers. Entered the water at 0700 on the west side. Visibility was 40 feet with lots of large particulate (mostly seaweed), sea temp was 81f. Did a REEF fish survey 61 species in sixty minutes. Unfortunately my Sealife Sportdiver dropped the app while diving, maybe 15 minutes into the dive, so not that many images to share. Neverthelsss, respectively, Bandtail Sea Robin, Octopus, Sea Star, and Striate Frogfish.


  • 05-28-22 Striated Frogfish.jpeg
    05-28-22 Striated Frogfish.jpeg
    144.5 KB · Views: 66
  • 05-28-22 Sea Star.jpeg
    05-28-22 Sea Star.jpeg
    220.3 KB · Views: 66
  • 05-28-22 Octopus.jpeg
    05-28-22 Octopus.jpeg
    129.2 KB · Views: 68
  • 05-28-22 Bandtail Sea Robin.jpeg
    05-28-22 Bandtail Sea Robin.jpeg
    138.6 KB · Views: 71
Went to the bridge for diving today and yesterday. Did not report anything yesterday because I was tired so images are from today and yesterday. Arrived at 0940 for an 1100 high tide. It was crowded today or yesterday. Visibility was the same both days about 40 feet, sea temp was 82f. Dove on the west side both days. Did REEF fish counts both days, 63 species and 67 species respectively. Yesterday Spotted Morays seemed to be out and about instead of staying put in a hole. Found one seahorse, it was very sad, kind of curled up nose to tail and having difficulty breathing, i.e. gills pumping extra hard, observed the same seahorse today in the same position still alive. Otherwise took lots of images of fish. Respectively, Black Grouper, Cottonwick Grunts with Highhat, Gray Angelfish, Muttion Snapper, Smallmouth Grunts, Spotted Moray, different Spotted Moray, Spotted Trunkfish, female Sailfin Blenny, Black Grouper with French Angelfish, Cottonwick Grunt, Frogfish, Harlequin Bass, Planehead Filefish, and half blind Yellowtail Parrot.
06-01-22 Black Grouper.jpeg
06-01-22 Cottonwick Grunts.jpeg
06-01-22 Gray Angels.jpeg
06-01-22 Mutton Snapper.jpeg
06-01-22 Smallmouth Grunts.jpeg
06-01-22 Spotted Moray.jpeg
06-01-22 Spotted Moray1.jpeg
06-01-22 Spotted Trunkfish.jpeg
06-02 -22 Sailfin Blenny.jpeg
06-02-22 Black Grouper and French Angels.jpeg
06-02-22 Cottonwick Grunt.jpeg
06-02-22 Frogfish.jpeg
06-02-22 Harlequin Bass.jpeg
06-02-22 Planehead Filefish.jpeg
06-02-22 Yellowtail Parrot.jpeg

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