Went to the bridge for diving today. Arrived at 1000 for a 1202 high tide. Parking lot was not crowded when I arrived. Entered the east side at 1025, visibility was 60 ft, sea temp was 78f. There was a Goliath under the east span, had a large hook in the corner of its mouth. I do not think it was the same one I saw two weeks ago, it was bigger and more standoffish. I was not happy with the images so not posted here. Did a REEF fish count, 70 species in 60 minutes. Exited the east side at 1125, walked across the parking lot and entered the west side at 1131. Did another REEF fish count 67 species in 60 minutes. Sea temp was the same, visibility was a little less at 50 ft. Respectively, School of Atlantic Bumper, Belted Sandfish, Three Blue Spotted Cornetfish, multiple species composition, nudibranch (species not determined yet), Redtail Parrotfish, and Atlantic Bumper video